One of the things I really enjoy is unique, interesting or out-of-the box game design. It doesn’t have to be AAA game, it doesn’t have to be a perfect game, it can be pretty rough - but if it has a mechanic or design element that is somehow unique or original, I’m instantly in love with the game.
The problem is that such games do not usually get a lot of exposure, since it is after all a niche. And that is really a shame - in the past few years the most fun had with video-games was playing such smaller and shorter indie games with something unique or pretty clever, where I can obsess over the design and more importantly - get inspired. That leads me to my question - are there any communites or blogs or content curators that are about this kind of smaller, maybe unpolished, but original games? Or what games would you recommend that would fit into this description? I don’t mind if it’s a 5 minute experience. It’s ok if it’s more interactive art than a game.
To better illustrate what I’m looking for, I’d compare it to modern art - the kind where you get a single colored square on a canvas. I never got it, and it always felt just weird - until I had to start doing flyer design and started researching and reading about composition, space and all that stuff. And now I see there’s so much going on even on a picture with a single line, that it’s really interesting to think about why the square is where it is, and what kind of composition rules was he working with.
And I think it’s the same for game design - sometimes you see a clever mechanic or design on otherwise really ugly and unpolished game, and it still gets you inspired and thinking.
I understand that my question is a little bit vague, so I’ll give you a list of some games I consider unique, some of them are well known, some of them not-so-much:
So, does anyone has some recommendations about where to look for more experimental games? A curated list, blog would be awesome - since clicking through pages of games on itch.io is pretty hit and miss. Also, feel free to share some of your favourite unique design or experimental experiences and games!
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it’s price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don’t meet the system requirements, or just haven’t had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
This ended up a bit longer than I intended, whoops. Most of your examples are more conceptually unique than most of these, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to mention them since they all do something ‘different’ you might find interesting. I’ve really enjoyed all these games myself.
Recently I’ve been exploring flash games again. I played them a lot as a kid, but in revisiting them I’m blown away at how unique and interesting so many of them are. Here are a few of the more unique ones you might enjoy, you’ll have to use something like Flashpoint to play them:
Rythm/music-based games are my favourite! If you haven’t already, I recommend giving Sayonara Wild Hearts a try - while it doesn’t use your own music, it’s still more of an interactive music album than a video game. From your list I haven’t played Melody’s Escape, so I will check it out. Also games like Metal: Hellsinger or BPM: Bullets Per Minute.
I still didn’t have time to check Soundfall, but it also sounds like a game that can be fun. It doesn’t look like it can use your own music, but I think that’s not that much of a problem - I preffer hand-crafted experiences as far as rythm games go.
I loved anti chamber until I finished it. The last minutes kinda killed it for me, I was going to do a complete playthrough, then it was like, “why’d they do that?”
I never actually finished it! That’s too bad. If it’s not a great ending anyway, could you spoil it for me?
I last played it probably a decade ago, my memory is a bit foggy, but at some point after you get the last color for the gun thing you have some sort of smoke creature begins making itself known. From what I recall; the puzzle/labyrinth facility the game has been set in up to that point gets destroyed, and it turns into a timed platforming race to get to some sort of exit above the facility.
No more puzzles, no more mind gimmicks, just run and jump up the end. I remember it felt like the designer suddenly decided his puzzle game should have a message, and ditched the puzzles. It killed any desire that I had to 100% the game, which I really felt like I would try to do the first time the timer hit 0:00:00