I have tried a ton of RPGs, and most just don’t click for me. Here are a few:
Some things about me:
That said, here are a few that I’ve really enjoyed:
I really like the storylines of RPGs, I just don’t like actually playing them. Unfortunately, my preferred ARPG genre is filled with loot nonsense, and I’ve played most of the ones that don’t really on that as a mechanic. Perhaps my favorite RPG-adjacent game not mentioned already is Yakuza 0, I’m not a fan of the combat, but he story is amazing and the side content is fun.
Does anyone feel similarly? Do you have any suggestions for other games to try?
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it’s price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don’t meet the system requirements, or just haven’t had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
Yeah, Nier Automata is certainly on the list, just waiting for a good vacation to really get into it.
And yeah, I’ve been putting off playing The Witcher 3 for a while since I wasn’t sure about the long playtime. I’ve played a lot of Witcher 1 and read some of the books, so I’m interested in the world, just not sure if I’m 100 hours interested. I’ll have to give it a shot though.
I also vote this. The side quest writing in the Witcher 3 is very high quality for the genre, and it’s easy enough to completely ignore the superfluous content like bandit camps and stuff littered around.
It’s a long game but it’s so good I never got that feeling of “uhhhgg this was fun but I’m ready to be done”. The thing about very good writing is that more is always better. Even excellent gameplay gets old after a while.
W3 is not very similar to W1 though. You may want to try W2 instead if you liked 1.