[…]Plants vs. Zombies Jordan Adams, and Director Partnerships at EAX Matthew Angeleri.
Adams would also send female coworkers pornographic videos and even reference them in EA Slack conversations
While that seemed like an act of goodwill, Angeleri privately sexually harassed said female coworkers and even followed it up with videos of himself having lewd acts performed on himself.
Why the article can’t just state what the allegations are and at whom is just annoying, so here you go.
What confuses me a bit is the sentence just before the allegations to Angeleri:
As for Matthew Angeleri, he invited his female coworkers to stay at his home with his wife while visiting Vegas where they were given free room and lodging. While that seemed like an act of goodwill, Angeleri privately sexually harassed said female coworkers and even followed it up with videos of himself having lewd acts performed on himself.
Like… What? What is the logical connection between these two sentences? There could be months or years between those two events? How do these two relate? This reads as two completely separate events. So one could just be an act of goodwill and afterwards he decided to be a prick. Or, first the was a prick and then felt bad and offered the coworker a place to stay?
And if the two events were concurrent that makes it immensely more creepy.
Which would also be worse than the events being unrelated. In the simplest case it’d be guilt-tripping ( you owe me!) or at worst some sort of odd blackmail.