• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023

Sites for game discovery?
What do you guys use? I personally like [Glitchwave](https://glitchwave.com) for it's powerful chart building and the user reviews as a whole tend to align with my own. [Backloggd](https://www.backloggd.com) also pretty cool but a little more limited to use, and harder to dig up the old old stuff as its algorithms strongly favor newer. Anyone else use these or have recommendations of their own?

You guys are three levels deep debating whether or not a slang word is acceptable to use to use. I’m afraid none of you qualify, if anything you are the total opposite side of the spectrum from yelling old man.

I’m going to need more being offensive and talking about how things use to be much better. Something like this:

Back in my day people weren’t so sensitive, people used whatever words they wanted and nobody cared or said anything about it. I didn’t hear my first debate on whether or not a word should be used until I was 30 years old. Now you can’t even add ie to the end of norm without some whippersnapper writing a 30 page buzzfeed article about it.

Yes, Apple is trendy among most crowds. It’s like what black champion sweatshirts were to college kids.

But I will agree it’s perfect for the low to average technical background person. You don’t have to worry about a password manager, a decent one is build in, you don’t have to worry about a messaging app, a good one is built in. I believe the term is “it just works”. There’s no way I’d suggest something different for say my Mom, it’s perfect for her. With a little tutoring she has secure passwords sets for all her sites and did it all herself. I doubt she would of been able to accomplish that with any other system.

But then that leads to the problem that she likes it so much that she doesn’t want me to change and leave her ecosystem that she’s so proud of figuring out lol.

Yea, I was just trying to vent my frustrations and joke around while I look at this Galaxy Z Flip for the 9th time. Tough crowd, I don’t even use 4chan. Maybe I should stick with iOS, at least my iPhone cult friends have chill rofl (unless you are talking about leaving iOS).

Oh, what’s a better word to describe someone who is super mainstream and only likes something if other people like it or they were told to like it?

Getting off iOS is hard as a normie
Things like the cool new lemmy apps and the fold phones like the Galaxy Z Flip make me really want to change but it's tough. Any so much of a mention of leaving iOS for android around my normie friends or family leads to weirdly aggressive responses. They want to by able to react my messages and rename the group chats in their normie iMessage. They want to be able to stalk me with their normie Find My Friends app. They react like taking that away from them is basically stabbing them in the back. It's like I just told a hardcore Trump supporter that Biden is #1 to their face. Normies are brainwashed. It feels like I'm trying to leave a cult. It's like I'm trying to leave the Mormon religion. It's like I'm trying to get off drugs when everyone I know uses. I just want you techies to know I'm jealous of your freedom. Maybe one of these days I can get clean.