My previous/alt account is [email protected] which will be abandoned soon.
Wouldn’t that be akin to adding new features? Adding support for previously unsupported (due to their lack of existance) hardware is a feature imo.
Besides, while a program may eventually be bug-free, no modern computer has flawless hardware so creating a large program without bugs will always remain a thought experiment.
The only possible reason to do it would be if an alien civilization were to demand producing such a program or else they’d destroy Earth (similar to Erdős’s thought experiment with finding Ramsey numbers). Perhaps with all of humanity’s resources and a few decades this could be done.
Eventually: Yes.
There are a finite number of bugs (or bug types rather, you could have infinitely many bugs from the same few lines of code) and it will take finite time to fix them all. You cannot know when you have fixed all of them though. But some games have gone above and beyond with fixing bugs, like Factorio where you will not encounter bugs without explicitly looking for them.
Piggybacking off of this comment, if you happen to enjoy Minesweeper, I recommend:
No guessing is required to solve any puzzle either, despite some variants seeming completely impossible.
Fun fact: There’s an achievement for stumbling across a level with a conpletely empty starting board, without any spaces being revealed to be mines or non-mines. Yes, that can be solved without guessing.
Fun fact 2: I’d argue there are more than 14 variants.
100% accurate emulation is basically impossible for every single console. You can get extremeley close via cycle accuracy, emulating the CPU’s instruction set but even that isn’t perfect.
You can read this for more information:
Honestly, I pay for the service alone.
Pirating games is easy-ish enough so if Valve ever enshittifies I will be quickly learning how to remove Steam’s DRM and put all my games on a server and never purchase another video game in my lifetime.