Kekw is deeper internet slang than most people are willing to discover. Kek is like a giggle or snort, not a full laugh but a chuckle. The w modifier means this is a win for them, so kekw is a chuckle about a good situation. If you want more info you can ask someone on 4chan, they are super helpful and nice to new members of the community.
Sweet Baby is a consulting organization that sells themselves on promoting diversity and inclusovoty in the gaming industry. This isn’t the issue. Problems arose when it was discovered Sweet Baby Inc affiliated games shared similar issues, token characters, bad dialogue, etc. When people finally put two and two together, they panicked, called everyone that said their games were bad racist, threatened legal action, attempted to dox and harass people, and make asses of themselves. This has lead to more of these “consulting” firms being exposed and having similar reactions.
I’ve played a few SBI games, I can say I really only enjoyed Sable, but that game has issues and can mostly be skipped over. The problem with Kotaku is the head journalist choosing Sweet Baby Inc’s side before any if the major controversies and is now actively writing hit pieces against gamers and major streamers that disagree with her and SBI.
I think they just finally learned XBOX isnt the big seller this generation, Playstation is the market leader for at least 2 generations because of their amazing first party games. Microsoft hasn’t had as good of a lineup for exclusive games, especially since they are already available on PC. See Halo Infinite and Starfield. There’s too many playstation users not to release games on that platform.
No, there we’ll always a way to work around the trading system to have gambling. The current proposal I have seen is doing an ID check before trades but that would hamper legitimate trades since people don’t want to hand out their ID info like that.