I’ll be honest, I’m just here for the memes.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 27, 2023


Artist: designs really cool visual for gamers to see before launching

Sony: “Oooo, free ad real-estate!”

Since the only way to obtain a WiiU gamepad is to take one from an existing system, this development will help revive old systems without taking from the limited WiiU gamepad market. Skip to 2:28 if you just want the development info and not the context and history.

Fairbuds: replaceable batteries

Fairerbuds: open source app

Fairestbuds: open source firmware

I understand that software directly and silently changing the default software can be a security issue. But it’s only because it happens silently. Does Windows allow for showing a system prompt that confirms the change to the user? If not, then that’s just plain ol’ anti-competitive. Especially with how pushy Edge and Bing can be.

This is why server code should be made open source when the developers shut it down