Looks like Nintendo and Sony are competing who can get away with being a bigger asshole. Boundary testing sociopaths. Game becomes popular, dev and publisher foist unpopular requirement to continue playing in order to see what the response is and if it doesnt tank numbers too much, they now have a green light to weasel this into other games. Hell even if it does tank numbers, they already have their money and you probably wont be able to get a refund at this point.
The people that said it wasn’t from nintendo never bothered checking who registered the domain. ICANN allows for searching for this information easily but it was even easier to just say “well it doesnt look legit to me” instead of actually checking. And yes that domain (mm-nintendo.com) is registered to Nintendo of America as you can verify here: https://lookup.icann.org/en
This is not true. Look up mm-nintendo.com on icann yourself to see who registered it.
TLDR: Nintendo is the troll here.
The domain is owned by nintendo.
Look up mm-nintindo.com on the icann search: https://lookup.icann.org/en/lookup
They got it from a twitter post that never bothered looking up who owns the domain. The domain is owned by Nintendo of America Inc not some internet troll.
Search for mm-nintendo.com
Do not blindly believe twitter posts.
Search for mm-nintendo.com
Registered to Nintendo of America Inc.
This IS an official nintendo domain.
Every time this happens I am reminded of old antipiracy arguments. i.e buy dont pirate. Then it was “you dont own it, you license it” and now that license isnt yours either. They can just take it away whenever they want and get your money too. If the tables were turned and you could just take 100% of your money back at any point in the future but still keep a game, theyd lose their shit but its fine as long as it is the gamer that loses.
Fighting games started in coin operated arcade cabinets that were intentionally designed to be such a pain in the ass to beat that people would dump heaps of money into them just to keep playing. Same deal with games that were released in the days that youd rent them for a week. The difficulty was set so high that it was very unlikely that you could beat the game in that week so you would end up renting them another week or two.
The gaming industry has been filled with greedy fuck policies from the beginning and the only thing that has changed is how they are greedy fucks.
If what you say is true, best case scenario, that suggests DICE has no idea who has the necessary expertise which is bad in its own right. Like… if someone paid 60 people to help design something/offer their two cents and then turns around and ignores every single one of them with the rationale that they dont have the expertise needed, that person’s judgement is still shit because by their own standards theyre terrible at recognizing who actually has the necessary skill set.
Did you not read the title at least? How does firing all these people indicate they know what theyre doing?