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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 05, 2023


I think because (health aside), it projects huge IDGAF energy… which goes well with the stories.

Maybe these corporate parasites that ruin the industry could learn the lesson that it is a lot more profitable to not be a piece of shit. And treat people with respect.

Cheaper this way. Clearly you don’t business. /s

Honestly how most people should act. Who give two piles of shit what some CEO type thinks or wants. They’re not the talent. They’re certainly not of value.

Employees to CEO: Do this for us.

CEO: I don’t wanna.

Employees: get fucked pal.

I think reasonable people know it won’t work like that and ultimately you can’t make this stuff without humans.

The real answer is remembering that ALL of this stuff, even the farms full of AI running Nvidia cards are RUN BY HUMANS.

The “means of production” (I’m sure that won’t piss brigaders off) is still controllable by the masses.

Like wake the fuck up. Either you sleep walk into a few decades long mess of boring LLM stuff and destroyed commercial art. Or you form unions at every level.

Right from the power company that cuts power to poor areas to power server farms or the developers at EA writing the pipelines for LLM training.

Every single group needs to say no or stop or whatever.

It’s totally possible. Anyone that tells you differently is stealing from you and destroying your future.

https://cwa-union.org/ here’s one to start…

Anyone one of you reading this that could get affected by this (can’t think of anyone who isn’t honestly) needs to stop and take 20 mins to find something to do about it, or you’re just complicit by inaction. (And in my mind a shitty person)

Barely a framework for selling DLC, one would imagine

I gotta say. Props to Lemmy users here. This thread is just post after post of generally reasonable take on how enjoyment and entertainment work in reality.

And really just a perfect argument for why infinite growth live service games are a fucking cancer dreamed up by humans who are fucking parasites.

Helldivers is great and the devs should be proud of their success. A+ .

Lots was learned. They learned they can continue to move the goalposts simply forever it seems.

Wait for the rage over this particular round to die down. Release a game with similar but slightly dialed back bullshit. Tell everyone how much better you are than them.

Repeat until people pay $99 for the right to rent the game for $10 a month plus pay to win MTX.

Sure DD2 is a corpse, but a new game will come growing from its corpse.

Soon the poors won’t be able to play games anyway as that will be forbidden by their owners

Sounds like a real honest to goodness hacker in the original (digital) sense. A+

Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions

If only there was a way to make things better today…

Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions Unions

I’d give it a zero out of ten just for being an RPG with a single save slot. They failed at the starting line. The got the core of RPGs completely wrong. Taking a shit on it with MTX seems like this was deliberate self sabotage

All tech workers should join a union first … but yes, agreed.

Oh I thought you were referring to the developers pretending they didn’t know this would annoy customers.

Nearly all social animals would be punished in some way for hoarding resources from the group. Between loss of social status all the way to being killed. Our closest relatives like apes straight up murder individuals that do this.

It’s a mental illness. We’ll probably find out it was caused by lead or micro plastics if our species survives this time.

For now. I believe the correct call to action involves guillotines. We can dial it back if things get better.

I love this for people looking for high quality games with fewer bugs.

The counter argument is that the industry is dominated by the opposite. Low quality trash with flashy graphics and deep monetization. Publishing execs would read this kind of thing and demand to never publish a Linux game.

Then they’d hiss at the sunlight and scurry back into their dank cave …