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Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


I didn’t downvote but I disagree. It is nice to be able to roleplay your own character but I also like having well written established characters

Not as good as the examples you listed but subnautica imo

Maybe cheating a bit but there are several genres of games that are named after the games that popularized their mechanics such as roguelike/roguelite, souls-like, metroidvania

I’m not saying I disagree but you are aware this is a season pass for post release dlc, NOT a battlepass like in live service games right?

Have you played the game? While true, you can boil down the game to “you deliver packages” there’s a lot more to it. There’s planning your equipment and weight distribution, evaluating the best route and adapting when something unexpected shows up, the give and take of the social strand system, etc.

It’s for sure not a game for everyone and I don’t begrudge anyone who says they don’t enjoy it but the one liner that pretty much everyone boils it down to does a disservice when describing how much is actually involved

Not mentioned in the title or the preview is there’s a time limited event from 10/27-10/31

It’s not required to play the previous games, there is some reference to them and the emotional impact of one scene may be diminished but that’s about it. I’m sure there are video recaps you can watch if you decide to skip the previous titles

Hard to disagree with the article, it seems it’s safer to wait at least a few weeks or months to play a new game because there are often things to be fixed after launch. Many games have multiple ambitious and complex systems that need to be tuned post launch. Combine this with high expectations/hype that marketing teams foster and you have a recipe for regret and disappointment on day 1 experiences

Cool preview by Shillup, I can’t say I’m the audience for this type of game but will keep an eye out for reviews when they drop

Can’t comment on news, but the friends per second podcast has been my go to

I can’t personally recommend them yet but I’ve read great things about the lock on “magazines” (they look more akin to coffee table books) and have a set in my cart that I’m going back and forth on

That’s not the conversation you initially raised but sure we can talk about that too. What they did was despicable and yet kotick is still there, and I want him and the others responsible brought to justice. He stands to be paid out millions when the merger is completed and that is rewarding him rather than punishing. The pessimist in me says that he will find another company somewhere willing to hire him because look at the disgusting things he’s gotten away with and subsequently rewarded for by being paid out. So yes I want them to be out of ABK but not with him getting another 0 in his bank account.

I very much agree competition is good but this should be brought about by Microsoft producing competitive games/services rather than purchasing more of the industry. For the record, I don’t like the idea of Sony or another large corporation buying other studios or publishers either

Genuinely asking, do you think the “profiting off of users in predatory practices” that ABK does now will change unde Microsoft? I’m conflicted on the acquisition but I would be highly surprised if that is something Microsoft changes.

Personally, yeah, I would like the status quo to remain because as shitty as ABK is, I can make the choice not to support their practices by not buying or playing their games. Yes, I realize that by being acquired by Microsoft doesn’t somehow allow them to put a gun to my head to play their games but it does discourage competition now that they are under the same umbrella.