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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


I’m really glad to have found a fitness app made by someone with the exact same opinion as me on app monetization. I’ve been using the app since March and will happily pay for the subscription. I’m really happy to see this openness, and the fact that you still repeat this promise.

So what’s the word then? Puto or what? It irritates me when news sources pussyfoot around the thing that was actually said. How are we supposed to understand in how far this was offensive/discriminatory if they won’t say what it is?

Ooh, yes! A game without words, but incredibly beautiful.

Hello fellow developer with ADHD! This sounds perfect, exactly what I’ve been searching for. Most apps were not gamified enough, or quickly devolved into some manipulative microtransaction slot machine.
I’ve signed up as monthly supporter and am now eagerly awaiting access to the beta :) Can’t wait to try it.