I would be an ideal customer for the Samsung fold but I never pulled the trigger because
the dimensions make the closed device too tall. Make it the same as the Ultra non foldable.
screen fold mechanism/hinge not as good as their competition
must have the S pen (I know views on this are divided)
I remain a happy Note Ultra customer instead. Hey, they still get my money so it’s not all bad for Samsung.
I find this app works reliability. Has ability to set a home screen shortcut.
Post trump FCC ending net neutrality, AT&T self-preferenced its online streaming service HBO Max, unfairly disadvantaging its streaming competitors. This only ended when California passed its own net neutrality law. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/03/atts-hbo-max-deal-was-never-free
To learn more on the subject, you could read: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/12/where-net-neutrality-today-and-what-comes-next-2021-review
I agree it’s down a large amount but it started at a really high level. Tens of millions to go before we get to ask “Who on earth still uses Twitter?”