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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


It’s entirely possible these aren’t real players, but are actually some kind of automated testing scripts or service monitors that someone forgot (or just never cared) to turn off before getting sacked, running on a forgotten QA box somewhere deep in the bowels of Sony.

Honestly, I’d love to see games set in the Alien universe that have absolutely nothing to do with the aliens. The whole design concept for the original movie was “truckers in space”. So where’s my space trucking game?

Why don’t they just hire more people with the $700 million they’ve raised?

At least horse armor was good for the memes. This is so bland no one even cares to meme about it.

Estimates have put the game’s budget at upwards of $250 million, so they’d need to sell at least 5 times as many copies to even break even. Games (from traditional studios, anyway) are crazy expensive now.

TBH, I really wish he would’ve just shut up and let the gameplay breathe for a while. They started the showcase explaining how this game isn’t going to hold your hand, but then spent the next fifteen minutes over-explaining every little detail, lol

Epic vs Steam isn’t much of a turf war as far as the fans are concerned. Everyone universally hates the Epic Games Store and loves Steam. The only reason EGS has so many timed exclusive is because Epic pays out the nose for them.

Can’t find your game? We’ve tried to include all games that make it into the top 200 on the App Store charts.

This appears to only cover mobile games. I’d love to see something similar for PC/console releases…

Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?

Curious how they quantify ‘attractiveness’. Is it self-reported, or are they attempting to use some kind of qualitative metric to rate the attractiveness of participants?

If the former, you could just as easily draw the conclusion that more confident people spend less time gaming.

If Elmo doesn’t terrify you at least a little bit, then I seriously question your humanity.

Fromsoft PC ports have always been notoriously bad, but it blows my mind that after 15 years, they still don’t support something as important as custom keybinds.

Big “Deranged Nazi doctor in an old Indiana Jones movie” vibes.

Apparently they announced the game at the same time as the layoffs so they’d be able to release a demo and some promotional material. That way the people they laid off would still be able to show off their work to prospective employers as they job hunt.

I’m sure it’s also a final hail Mary effort to attract the attention of investors so they might fund the rest of the game, but still, seems like a pretty practical way to shelve a project — definitely not as crazy as the headline makes it sound.

Todd Howard looks exactly like a grown-up Todd Flanders and not enough people are talking about it.

Maybe an uncommon opinion, but as someone who’s invested hundreds of hours into both games, I actually prefer the 2d experience of ROR quite a lot more than the 3d of ROR2.

Hopefully this means more games like Soma, which had much more of an emotional core than the rest of their catalog. (I know, I know, Soma was also a horror game, but the horror elements were arguably the least interesting part.)

I blame RimWorld.

Mental Break: Riot

The last straw was: institutional corruption

I have a feeling this article only exists to harvest outrage clicks. I doubt there’s anyone left who sees Molyneux as anything more than the washed-up snake oil salesman that he is.