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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Went on a tour of an airport (small international one). Security told us they get weird scares all the time. A guy had a paperweight novelty grenade in his bag. Crazy part was they knew him-he worked there for 30 years and had recently retired. Dude missed his flight and had to answer looooots of questions. FBI didn’t clear him for travel until a month later. They said it wasn’t a prank either, guy just didn’t think anything of it.

Consider a foldup bluetooth keyboard, and your phone. All pocket size, and faster.

Is that the one with a sub? It better give daily dopamine for yet another sub.

I’ve been looking for someone reputable to replace the battery. There used to be a guy on Spez’s Folly, but he quit long ago…

I still wear mine. Steel and 2hr. The OG finally went kaput sadly. Battery life on the 2 is great (its my backup), Steel is about 3 days usually