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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 29, 2022


Honestly, I am always appalled by most “pop”-tech journalists like these. They either just repost the tech specs with the least nuance known to mankind, or they make absurd assumptions by having weird expectations (i.e: the infamous Cuphead review) going in. Seems like in this case it is both!

I attribute this to the much centralisation that completely deformed the internet, and a totalitarian attitude to criticism by critics (hypotactic, isn’t it?) they remove and/or make it very hard to have a discussion on their articles.

Back before much of this centralisation of the internet, low-effort popcorn reviews like these would be absolutely panned in the very visible comment section. Also, shitty editorialised titles (which by the way usually aren’t even by the author) like these were not as prevalent without massive scrutiny.

That fuck them mentality won’t get you anywhere. Your phone is a communications device. You need others to be using free protocols and software, otherwise your phone will be useless.