I am not me

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Blizzard had plans to dump the launcher shortly after D3 2.0 dropped. Then they backpedaled and where like no wait launcher is great! 🤷‍♂️

“Players on Steam will still have to connect Overwatch 2 to a Battle.net account, but they’ll have access to all of Steam’s amenities like their friends list and achievements.”

Lol. Okay then.

Id say League is probably the closest you’re going to get to a “real” game. Reasonable prices. No P2W. And the game is super polished and quality.

Boomers. My former boss was like this. Sit in a crowded, loud, hot, glare on every screen office BeCaUse it ProMotEs CollAborAtiOn. Yeah. No one “collaborated.”

When did we sign something that said I’ll work for you but also in some of the worst conditions because well just because.

Drowning in legal debt already might seriously discourage an appeal lol

1Password since forever. Can’t imagine having to type passwords or remember them.