Wise man say- forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. 🍕
It certainly is, and it goes all the way back to at least the late 90s. I lived there from 00-03 and I saw so. many. games. do this. Granted, I was console only back then, and in Japan the number of new and used game stores is mind-blowing, so it’s not like you couldn’t trade in the old version and get at least SOME money back. Can’t do that on PC.
They don’t always do definitive editions, so should I just wait forever and never get it? Also, waiting and getting the definitive edition still tells them it sells. They don’t see why, they just see it selling. And if everyone just waits for the definitive edition, not buying the OG, they just view that as people not being interested in the game at all, so they quit making anything.
Edit: And I specifically mentioned pre-ordering because your thought process is the same as when it comes to pre-orders: if you don’t pre-order they’ll stop releasing unfinished garbage. That does not work here.
This has nothing to do with pre-ordering. I don’t pre-order and I usually can’t afford to get things right when they come out, unless they release on sale. They keep doing this because: 1. Dumb fucks buying it when they already have the og edition because of FOMO on the few things that were added. 2. People that hadn’t bought the game yet so they buy the newer “definitive” edition.
Most other games that end up with a GOTY edition usually include all the content that was originally dlc, and can be “upgraded” to, usually for less than all of it did originally. And you don’t have to redo achievements.
The thing with DQ is that there is no dlc. They just add some collectible or a couple of quests to flesh out where a character disappeared to or something. It’s not enough content to even qualify as possible dlc. And there’s no “upgrade” pricing.
So the only way to “stop this” is to do what I’ve already been doing— not buying it twice. But that doesn’t actually stop them.
I’m an idiot— even though I know my Roman Numerals, I wrote IX when I meant XI (Echos of an Elusive Age). I don’t know what the “definitive” edition looks like, as I already own the OG and refuse to pay for another copy and have to get all the achievements all over again. The OG looks great to me, and I can’t even use max graphic settings. I can only imagine how good it looks on max. If I’m understanding you correctly, the “definitive” edition looks worse? They can seriously go fuck a cactus. It’s already not worth paying full price twice just to get some tidbits that aren’t even tied to achievements. Japan puts out some amazing games. Classics. Industry changing innovations. But their decisions to do shit like that, as well as how they abandon their games after only a few bug fixes (that still don’t fix many of the major bugs) has all but turned me off of games from the country that’s known for video games.
Great! Now can we finally get bug fixes and optimization? Maybe some dlc now that Shadow of the Erdtree is well settled? Oh that’s right…Japanese game companies don’t support their games once they’ve decided it’s “released”. (See: Bandai-Namco, Capcom, Konami, et al.)
Edit: You bitches wanna downvote me for telling the truth? Japan doesn’t fucking support their games after a few patches. Don’t believe me? The boost gauge bug still exists for a lot players. You want others? Go look at reviews for the Mega Man collections and how they are broken. Oh, and there’s the fact that the bug reporting on Bandi-Namco’s on site doesn’t even fucking work.
I thought XI did the silent protagonist really well, and it’s my all-time favorite in the series. What I really want is for them to stop releasing the game and then 6 months to a year later re-releasing a “definitive edition” with a few extras, a full-price pice tag, and no way to “upgrade”. Fuck you. I bought the game once. I’m not shelling out full price for a couple of extra tidbits. Either release the full game the first time or eat shit.
The animated video makes it even better.
I am trying to shop around for a new gaming laptop, but I’m having a hard time finding something that is Linux friendly and has AMD CPU and GPU, and is of the highest end possible so I don’t have to upgrade it in a year (and if it’s expandable, even better). I’ve looked at the Framework, and before you spout off about how great it is: have you actually owned one? I’m finding more and more that they are flimsy and just aren’t quite “there” yet, but I hope that changes soon because the concept is what we need in laptops. Anyway, I can’t seem to find anything on the higher end that has both CPU and GPU from AMD. If anyone has a link, feel free to drop it.
Performance is the only issue I have with the DLC. I keep getting this flashing thing that happens for like a single frame or two. It looks like what happens when your graphics card is dying, but the only time it happens is when I’m playing Elden Ring. It never happens any other time, and I play other, much more graphically and memory intensive games than this with zero issue. I’ve tried turning down settings, but it persists. It does seem to do it less the longer I play, but with every new startup of the game, it does it often then less over time. It might be that I’m still on an HDD and not SSD, but I’m not replacing it because I’m looking to replace my whole machine sometime in the near future.
Oh, hey. I completely forgot… They have another game called Flower that’s available on Steam. It came out before Journey. You play as the wind, collecting flower petals by waking up flowers. It may sound weird, but it’s super peaceful and relaxing.
The one before that, their first game, is called Flow, but it never got ported to PC, so you’ll need a PS4/5 to play it. You play as a microscopic organism that floats around eating other organisms, growing larger and more elaborate as you do, trying to get to the dark depths.
I love thatgamecompany. Their stuff is always so chill.
Look, I personally consider myself a “hardcore” fan, but I don’t have a problem with legitimate criticisms. Things like the need for optimizations, bug fixes, etc. The criticisms of the DLC by other so-called “hardcore” fans, are not legitimate. The problem is, these people are straight fucking morons that can’t bother to learn the game in the first place. They think they can just run to the bosses with their over-leveled, NG+17 character and expect to use the same methods they used for the base game and beat it the first day it’s out. IT IS NOT THE SAME. The DLC is like playing a “sequel” that let’s you load your character and equipment from the previous game so you can look cool, but your still starting from essentially zero. You HAVE to level up the new stuff to get back to where you were power-wise, which means you HAVE to explore, and you HAVE to change up how you approach things. You cannot just rush through the bosses to see the ending. You HAVE to play the game to be able to play the game, and the pissy babies can’t fucking grasp that.
The real problem with the “community” is that a huge, huge amount of its members are shitty, asshole children with shitty, asshole parents that buy them these games, which they shouldn’t be playing in the first place. The other big part of the community are the shitty neckbeards that are still children mentally.
All that said, if you genuinely suck at a game, that game isn’t for you. That’s why I quit playing Balatro. Not everyone is good at everything they try to do- like how my birth-giver was a home ec major (yes, that was actually a thing), but she can’t cook for shit. She can fuck up Kraft Dinner. But damn can she sew, and craft, and all the rest. (She’s still a narcissistic sociopath, so she can fuck right off.) So if you like the game, but can’t play it, maybe just watch a streamer or something so you can still enjoy it. Hell, my wife was so into Elden Ring just from watching me play that I bought it for her so she could play it. She tried. She really, really tried. But she just couldn’t do it. So we got a refund and she still loves watching me play so she can get to experience it. Not everything is, or needs to be, for everyone.
I played it back when it first came out, and I still pick it up at least once or twice a year just to play it again. It is one of the most beautiful games I have ever played.
Did you get to encounter any other players on your journey? Also, if you collect all of the glyphs (the ones that extend your scarf) you get the white robe. It makes it so that your scarf recharges just from standing on a surface! (And it’s pretty!)
I’m playing with a controller. It’s not that the controls are bad, they’re just a little restrictive. Mostly it’s the psychological effect of the whole thing, but I feel like it wouldn’t be so bad if my movement wasn’t so restricted. At least it isn’t fighting the controls more than I fight enemies, like in the Witcher. I love that game but the controls are trash.
I’ve been trying to play the first one after getting it a few months ago, but I can only play for a little bit at a time because it’s just so… heavy. It’s so good at portraying Schizophrenia that it fucks with your head, and the controls don’t help, causing further madness. Every time I try to play a bit, I feel off afterwards, like my mind slipped away. I really want to play and finish it, but it’s taking some time.
Sorry it’s reddit, but that’s the best collection of summaries and links on it.
Oh, then i have no doubt it’s dark as shit. He’s a bad bear! A very bad bear! And he’s Professor Chaos. See how this game twisted his fragile little mind?