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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Apr 17, 2024


We played in beta, pre-blueprints and will loop back around for another play now it’s 1.0 That said, it didn’t grab us as much as factorio did

Factorio - 1200hrs

TF2 - ??? But lots

Counterstrike source - ??? As above

Satisfactory - 150

Rimworld/hell divers 2 /wargame red dragon / both new xcoms - 100-150hrs

I would have high scores on other titles before steam started tracking playtime / pre-steam

Very much free space 2 here. 99 was a fine year for games.

Deus ex and system shock 2 should definitely be on a retro shooter/rpg list. Shock 1, you’d probably be better off playing night dives shock remake from last year… or perhaps a modified remaster of the OG. The controls from shock1 are outright painful

I will do a day one purchase despite being too busy with factorio expansion to actually start it just yet.

Ah yes, the game that made me get a Steam account, so looks like my steam account is days from it’s 20th anniversary.

God damn did I hate Valve for making me get steam back then, I was on dialup and getting Steam to launch was a utter nightmare, and I HAD to have it to play HL2? F you gaben!

Fast forward 20 years and I’m eagerly awaiting the AU launch of the steam deck and reminiscing of how good steam has been for me… EDIT: ACCT created 19th Nov 2004, Steam Deck AU release 29th Nov 2024, so I’m ordering on my accounts 20 year anni

Really enjoyed it, only recently finished a run with expansion and some QOL mods. Excellent visuals (with RTX), and if your into the theme the story was fun and pretty good. Not perfect by any stretch but solid. Gameplay mechanics is fairly engaging after the 2.0 patch.

It is definitely sad it took so long to get to here though, it was broken on launch beyond bugs - the builds you could do pre 1.5 were plain broken.

That said, we should celebrate anyone making single player games these days seriously, it feels like they are getting very thin on the ground.

Thanks, I actually hadn’t fully realized I had to add wikis to the list of corporate run crap I need to avoid. Medium is way bad enough, let alone wikis too

I’m guessing the patch is working its way through Google/Apple store review process. It’s likely they released PC first, mobile after.

My body is ready. 1000+ hours wonders, heres to another 1000

Yeah I was trying to avoid importing one, I’ve been using steam link and a Razer kishi as a cheap replacement. Played one at PAX, I already can’t wait to buy a OLED when they launch here

The joke is we usually get outrageous markups on tech as we don’t have alternative avenues to source. We usually get gouged hard - I.e. the grey import steam decks have been often $300 more than what steam are launching at.

Bad news everyone! They’ve already shutdown the best emulators. One if the best ceased development yesterday after some Nintendo strong-arming.

Over 1000h hrs here, mostly with a mate Friday nights with modded worlds. We are ready for this