XCOM meets Diablo is a decent enough way of putting it, as long as you don’t expect the mechanics to be 1:1. Since you brought up positioning, there’s no grid for movement, or flanking, for example. Battles are turn-based, like XCOM, but it’s not split in player turn and AI turn, instead, each individual character/npc gets its own turn, with the order decided based on dice rolls and whatever modifiers are applicable.
To add to some of the suggestions in the thread, check out Solasta: Crown of the Magister, it didn’t have as big of a budget as something like Baldur’s Gate 3, but it’s a fun little game that uses the D&D 5E rules (the ones that were in the SRD, to be more precise).
I can see it’s on sale now, but I will say that some content is locked behind DLCs. It also has support for steam workshop, allowing people to make custom campaigns, and I recommend the Solasta Unfinished Business mod, which adds a whole bunch of stuff that’s missing from the base game, for example multiclassing.
There’s a controller layout from someone with some thousand hours of playtime that imitates a more traditional mouse setup where you move the cursor with the right track pad and then right and left click with the triggers (like you would in desktop mode). I’ve switched to using that and I like it more, even though the official controller layout does a decent job, it gets a bit annoying going through all the combat actions.