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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Apr 09, 2024


If I have trust in the developers that the game won’t be an absolute shitfest (i.e. they have an okayish track record) and I want to play on day one to be part of the community, yes. That said, the last game was Elden Ring and the next is Monster Hunter Wilds, so that doesn’t happen very often.

Nightreign and Subnautica 2 are also on the list, I’m not too hyped about anything else this year.

From time to time I go to the steam page of Jedi Survivor. Loved Fallen Order but apparently they shat the bed with Survivor and STILL haven’t fixed the dogshit performance. At this point I’ll probably have to wait for a RTX 7000 series to be able to play it

Dead Cells is fun. It has an end tho, but it’s difficult getting there on the higher difficulties. I also liked children of morta, has a story mode and roguelite mode

I played a lot of MMOs during childhood but they’re not fun anymore to me. I hop on FF14 when a new expansion drops, play for like a month and go play something else. I miss the big group content sometimes but my schtick nowadays are these 4-player multiplayer games with actual good combat, maybe with like a lobby of more people to interact.

Looking forward to the new monster hunter and ER Nightreign next year. Also Destiny 2 is my guilty pleasure. The gunplay is godlike, so satisfying but omg Bungie fumbled so hard, I legit hate this company.

I played it (almost done) with a friend, had it wishlisted since the IronPineapple video. But on god, finding normal players to do content as a group is nigh impossible, this thing is full of gooners and chat is full of uwu RP, I just left at some point and did the bosses solo.


I don’t like them because I dont like turn-based combat. Glad the Final Fantasy series went away from that.

I don’t see the point in stardew Valley and witcher, they are pretty self explanatory. But going in blind into Minecraft? Yeah, you’re not getting anything done.

My colleague (late 40s) is still like that. Buys only GoG or I guess physical, although it’s mostly codes nowadays anyway? I mean good for him but he misses out on like 80% of games.

I don’t think Steam will ever die but I hope it won’t fall into enshittification at some point.

Why are you shocked? Weeb culture has been a menace in so many aspects already

Is there any other maintained switch emulator currently? I did not play anything since the last Pokémon but that was on Yuzu…

Nope, upload fucking sucks. 50 MB/s. It got worse this spring, like 30 Mb/s, so I opened a ticket and a technician came over to calibrate our house connector (?).

Edit: This is due to the provider tho, not the medium. Vodafone (in Germany) is ass but I did not get a successful connection over DSL (the other option, sadly no fiber yet), so I went with them instead.

I have done literally zero Gwent quests after the first match and even googled one time how to remove quests because they were annoying in the journal (you can’t)

No, it’s fucking Nintendo

We have not once encountered a corporate shitstain as aggressive as them.

They make some good games, that’s all. Everything else about them sucks.

I fucking hate roman numerals; the whole time I thought y’all were talking about ff14, not ff16

G*mers will lap up so much slop and malicious decisions publishers push out, we DO need governments to regulate.

The few (big) publishers that listen to consumers can be counted on one hand.

I personally do not care how a policy would damage a company. I am playing the games, not developing them. If a company shuts down servers, they can at least provide players with the server binaries (difficult in the case of MMOs etc, but still better than doing nothing).

The EU can suck, but sometimes they put some pretty neat policies in place to protect consumers (e.g. the difference in USA vs EU MS Windows), so I trust them to hold publishers responsible to not cut off access to a sold product. Let’s say the EU prohibits putting Gacha mechanics in games, would you defend companies then, claiming the EU is cutting their profits (sorry, kinda strawmannish, but it feels to me this way)?

About pirate software (finally looked him up): He just seemed annoying as hell and every time YouTube pushed a short of him it was just ramblings in which huge parts were just untrue. Idk if he even codes, I only see him rambling about some shit with the voice you make when you are 14 and want to sound deeper. People on YouTube said he is a nepo baby but I don’t care too much about him to go down that rabbithole.

Lol I just wanted to comment that. Not blind, just hard to see but I gave up after10sec trying to decipher. It’s just such a bad diagram

Imagine advertising on Lemmy haha, you would get more turnout with buying one billboard

If you’re into souls-likes, try “Stranger of Paradise”

Its fantastic, nobody has heard of it for some reason. I played this last year with a friend and it was really fun (if you’re into that playstyle)

Darksiders Genesis was also very fun with my little cousin, more hack n slash, one player gets to be pure meelee and the other half meelee half twin stick ranged.

Sniper Elite (4?) is pretty good as a chill co op FPS mission progression game.

Otherwise, probably any survival craft will do, you already played a few. I enjoyed Valheim and Planet Crafter and wish Subnautica had Multiplayer.

Bump for Sekiro. There is not one other game that plays as satisfying. It’s souls crack, I cannot get enough of it

Edit: Except demon of Hatred, fuck this boss

Oh shit I played graveyard keeper until the beginning of the communist DLC and then forgot about it. Thx for the reminder, I need to finish it some time.

Last couple of years I am eating good regarding action RPGs and souls-likes

Anyone having an invite for me 🥺👉👈

Edit: To anyone giving handouts, just add me over https://s.team/p/trd-vvwh/MVFQVQTG

If I get the invite, I will invite the next person in this thread 🤝