I gotta disagree with you there, my online life is by far more convenient now that I have it all organized and stored in a password manager. So much less to remember and so many fewer roadblocks now that I don’t have to remember usernames and passwords.
Even my mom swears by how much more convenient it is to have a password manager and she’s not what you would call “tech savvy”
This is a pretty terrible take… if you take just a little bit of time to set up a password manager and use the browser plugin it is all just one password away. I actively seek out additional 2FA because it’s just simple and seamless, where my password manager will put the TOTP code on my clipboard ready to paste, or it’ll automatically pop up when the site asks for a passkey (like Google, referenced in the article).
Just sounds like this dude is whining about a problem that he doesn’t want to solve for himself.
I’m just gonna share my comment from 3 months ago.
Well the good news for you is that a website specifying one or the other is nothing more than marketing from that app maker! So long as there is a QR code (or a long random-ish string), you can use any authenticator app that supports that website’s 2FA algorithms!
That last bit is important because I think Lemmy had a non-standard 2FA algorithm (SHA-256?) that wouldn’t work with Google Authenticator.
If I’m understanding the concern (and this is me doing my own interpretation, so please tell me if I’m wrong here) is that she did not have the support needed to do so. At a normal company, a social media manager would be backed by a team that prepares professional videos / images / maybe even copy for use in marketing. Stuff like press releases and whatnot would be orchestrated and well planned to ensure the message comes across as needed.
From what I read, her language implies to me that she was expected to be a one-woman production line with all of the added responsibilities of a team. At least if you want to have the production quality that I think LMG would expect for their socials.
At work I can choose between Edge and Chrome as my only two options. I use Edge, but there’s really no benefit for me to use one over the other. Technically I think I can request Firefox, but it’d have to go through VP-level approvals or something stupid like that.
Based on the “coming back from lunch,” I’d assume this person is on their work computer.
When the old school RuneScape wiki moved to a self hosted solution it was night and day the quality difference. I’d argue that OSRS (and probably regular RS) have some of the best wikis in gaming.
Absolutely fantastic, no notes