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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Apr 27, 2024


They’ve always sucked at making games. They weren’t always successful, though. Skyrim is the goose that laid the golden egg, and they’ll be hard-pressed to repeat that success.

I love the new “Memories” feature. This update has really improved an already amazing game.

No idea. I just love all the sequence-breaking going on in that video. I lost count of the times the guy quickly quits and resumes the game, just so he can make a long trek out-of-bounds.

I agree with you. It is such a deep game, too. I’ve played it through twice, and I find myself thinking about playing it again.

You get downvoted for truth. That happened to me all the time on Reddit, at least.

with staff receiving company TOIL (time off in lieu)

I like their self-aware acronym there.

GOG is awesome. I only get games from them.

Just wait till you decide to start collecting blaze rods or farming wither skele heads.

This seems like one of those rare moments when you actually have to give Sony their kudos. Yes, pat yourself on the back this time.

33 GiB! That’s bigger than Fallout 4, itself. So, of course, I’m gonna download it.

You mean their games are a joke. Hard to imagine someone wanting an xbox over a PS5/Switch.

There are some cool ones that go back quite a few years at IFComp

For me, it’s been the year of Linux since 2005. I do dual boot, though.

My favorite so far is Fallout NV, but anything in the Fallout series is great.

This is my type of sale. Lots of great games to buy, if you haven’t already.

What’s the point of bringing up “ethics?” The job only existed in the first place because of technology, and now people want to argue that there is a right or wrong aspect to it?

How about the poor candle makers or buggy whip manufacturers? Should we keep downgrading society just to keep a few “artists” happy?