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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


They indicate how much of an ass you come across as.

There are tons of people in this world who are right, yet everyone dislikes and doesn’t interact with. Something to think about some day, when you calm down.

For similar series, I recommend Burnout and Flatout. See my comment in this thread for elaboration.

Career wise I think Burnout : Paradise City is the most fun of the games I mentioned because you have to go around the city finding hidden jumps, hunting cars roaming the city (when you catch them (by crashing them, of course) you get to drive them), and beating time trials that create unique opportunities to fly through the air and blast through traffic, ideally crashing your opponents into them… anyway, I love the genre, hope you find your game!

I adore the Wreckfest game. I played it, beat it, lost my save and was happy because I got to play it again. I think I’ve done that three times.

If you are like me and would like another game in this genre, try “Flatout Ultimate Carnage Collectors Edition”, personally I find the crashing (as well as the racing) in FUCCE to be more satisfying than Wreckfest but both games are a must have for fans of the genre.

The only thing that Wreckfest probably does better is that it feels good on a racing wheel, I’ve never played Flatout on a wheek so I can’t comment on that. Both are fine with a Steam, Xbox controller, or third party controller.

For the record many of the Flatout games are great, I just happen to think that FUCCE is the pinnacle. I would love to be wrong and find a better game so please feel free to share suggestions.

And for a more open world style game with collecting cars, crashing them, and causing carnage as the core theme (you still can’t get out of your car) try Burnout : Paradise City, amazing soundtrack too.

Some of these games have quite unique game modes, the “High Jump” and “Long Jump” in FUCCE is a dumb as hell game and great for having friends compete on the couch.

Burnout has a mode where you have to incrementally take out X opponents before time runs out, X increasing as difficulty rises. And every time you take someone out you get boost so on a perfect run you’re just exploding everyone at light speed lol. Then BAM WALL FUCK. Lol. That’s the game.

And for a final unique game mode, the old Burnout games (not BPD unfortunately) had a mode where you intentionally caused maximum damage per time limit. It was hilarious throwing the car into traffic then dancing it around the city causing hundreds of thousands of damage in a scene so stupid it would have been cut from Final Destination. I think Burnout 1, 2, and 3 had it…

Be grateful to be a slave. A slave is alive. You could be dead. Remember that you exist to create labor but it is someone else’s job to claim the value of that labor.

Sorry, you were born into the wrong family, now please accept the status quo and do not revolt, rebel, or look into history and how the lower classes have handled power imbalances in the past.

Oh I know, I just wanted a copy too.

Deleting posts from the user PoV was the only way I could come up with to force the API to show them to me.

Dwarf Fortress LNP is free and doesn’t require a mouse 😉 It requires a special type of insanity to learn, but the rewards are WELL worth it.

Here is a video of a drainable/refillable moat I made.

The quick transitions are Z-axis movement, you can only view one full Z-axis at a time. Dwarves go down so you’ll be diving into the depths of hell. Oh, and don’t mine the mithril tube unless you want to experience “fun”. No further spoilers. 😁

If you don’t want to learn the ascii, LNP comes with a few toggleable tilesets you can swap between, I personally just prefer the ascii. Once you can see it, it’s like being able to see the Matrix.

This is similar to when I heard reddit was doing the API lockdown, I wrote an automation bot over the weekend that self-destructed my subreddit and the entire post history. The bot also automatically downloaded and archived all of the content on my local machine.

It was annoying because at first I couldn’t get access to older posts since at the time reddit had changed their API to only show the first X posts (100 or 1,000 or whatever). So I told my bot to delete the posts as it archived them so as I deleted content, reddit had no choice but to populate the page with the older posts.

And that’s how I archived my subreddit. Reddit banned me two days later for automation, lol. I did not break any of the reddit or reddit api ToS during this process but I guess I upset someone.

The community is the best of any MMO I’ve ever played. If people find out you are new, it’s not guaranteed, but likely benefactors will find gear to donate to you. Largely because the game is HARD. It’s old school MMO. No hand holding. Press the wrong button and attack your own city guard. Hail the wrong demigod and they kill you for bothering them. Dying is often a huge deal (not at first). All that said, difficulty like that breeds community, and the community is like no other game that exists.

DM me and I’ll either be a guide for you or direct you to some friends of mine who can recommend starter guilds and such for you. I know quite a few players on p99Green and pQuarm.

EQ Live is still populated. But the version I play is called p99, it’s a free to play passion project by former players who took the source and run their own custom servers.

The most popular custom servers just happen to be the ones locked at 2002.

pQuarm is the new kid on the block. A server that will lock at PoP.

Okay, I thought about it and edited my post with a version in line with the spirit of your question :-)

Yeah, my choice is basically, “all of em” lol.

I like to cheese what can I say.

But idk, no other era had that. Sure we had emulators in 2005, 2010, but nothing like the selection of today.

Okay, below the “=” is my previous answer but I admit it was against the spirit of the post so let me think. I choose the years from the launch of EverQuest to Shadows of Luclin. I consider EverQuest to be the greatest MMO ever made. So my answer is 1999-2002.

To this day I STILL play servers locked at the 2002 version of EverQuest. It’s very populated. That should tell you something.


Got my first console in 89. First PC in 99.

My choice is current year, because it encompasses every year before and the amount of emulator projects is greater than it’s ever been.

I can make any system from history with a Saturday of effort.

Plus all the indie games that capture the retro feel. Idk, gaming is in a great spot if you don’t bother with big studios.

Is that a lame answer? O well, it’s sincere.

Wow, insane. I’m currently reading “There Are No Electrons” written by a member of the Amdahl family. In the opening pages he talks about his siblings and ascendents and talks briefly about Amdahl corp then in the opening to this article this engineer got their start at Amdahl.

Fun coincidence I wanted to share. If you want to read a book about science that sets aside reverence for science and reads more like a Sunday comic, check out the book I mentioned. Especially fun if you’re trained in electronics, tho the author specifically states the book is NOT for those trained in science, haha.

Nah, you aren’t dumb. I think the opinion is dumb, but I’m sure you have reasons for believing the way you do. I suspect it comes from a sense of hopelessness and feeling a lack of control which I can empathize with but do not share. I simply don’t like to see people roll over and give in to such thought because of the types of awful people who have power in this world. This mindset is submissive to those powers and that irks me to anger. That submission boosts the power they already hold. But no, I hold no negative opinions toward you as a person and I apologize if it came across that way, that’s likely my fault.

This is a dumb perspective at best and a fatal perspective at worst.

Am I fighting fire with fire? Have I become the very thing I hate?

100%. Actually true.

I am guilty. And somewhat ashamed.

Oh, my sweet summer child. That money is already spent.

And in this exhibit we see an example of “uncreative condescension”. Note the certainty of tone, the diminutive treatment of others, and the unoriginal text selection. Truly a great specimen for our museum of narcissistic comments. Please, don’t tap on the glass or it may try to condescend to you too.