Just another reddit refugee
Avatar/PFP by TmiracleART
You should play the original if you can, it really is the best Dragon Age game. Steam has a guide to get it up and running on modern machines.
Also, were you able to follow the story of Veilguard? I haven’t played it yet (and honestly I might never) but I got the impression that it was pretty tied to the story of Inquisition.
You get it. I agree with all of your complaints (but another unpopular opinion, I didn’t mind Sera we got lol)
Inquisition is actually my least favourite in the series, and I hate the pivot to hyperfocus on the “super special elves” and getting the most out of the story ONLY if you play a specific type of elf. I’m also not absolutely gaga for Varric (I like him, I just don’t think he should be everywhere). I felt really fatigued by the end of the game tbh.
I think DA2 knew what it wanted to be, EA just decided to not let Bioware have the time or manpower to do it.
I personally think that it still has the best overarching story, environ and atmosphere in the series so far, and (controversial opinion) I LIKED that I played as Hawke. The Warden and the Inquisitor are the typical “thrown into a world changing even they have tenuous connections to”, and feel a degree removed from anything but the main event sometimes.
But Hawke? They are in the thick of it. Does not matter what class Hawke is, my guy/girl is going through it at every (repeated dungeon) stage of the game. I honestly felt more for Hawke in my playthrough of DA2 than my personal avatars in Origin and Inquisition. Kirkwall sucks soooo bad, man.
By then, real reviews will make themselves known.
This is the way. There are corpo/early access reviewers who are giving it 10/10s, and I’m also seeing morons screeching about review-boming it because of the DEI/Woke Agenda™️ and that you can make a non-binary player character. It’s gonna be a shitshow on release.
Feel bad for the Dragon Age fans, they’ve been waiting for this for ages.
Konami needs to get the Dead Cells team (Evil Empire, not Motion Twin) to do a Castlevania game, that DLC (especially the remixed music) was so gas
I’m also sick of Konami just porting the games over and over again. I love Castlevania, but I have bought the games so many times in so many different collections that it feels like it’s own pachinko hell. And we all know how Konami feels about pachinko.
I’m so confused, this game has 94% on metacritic and a “very positive” reception on Steam (91% with 4 000+ reviews). This headline is clickbait as hell, and the comments here are assuming Metaphor: Refantazio got mixed reviews/flamed on socials when it didn’t.
The article is just reporting a discussion Katsura Hashino had with Toyama (the creator of Silent Hill) on their views on fan feedback.
This is why I don’t care to read Eurogamer articles (and also their cookie preferences with 600+ partners, wtf).
(Also, both Refantazio and the Silent Hill 2 remake are pretty good. Can’t believe I have to praise Konami in 2024 🤮)
Net cafes are already a thing there, but personal gaming at home has always been dominated by the portable market or consoles, partially because Japanese companies are the ones making 2/3 of them, but also because the majority of the “gaming” demographic are younger people who live in small studio apartments in Tokyo, and would opt to have a TV with cable television and consoles in their living rooms.
With streaming becoming a big thing, at home media centres are slowly shifting to personal laptops (especially during the pandemic). I have maybe seen two actual gaming PC towers when I lived there (because again, you can go to a net cafe/PC bang for that), but a lot of the gamers I knew were slowly shifting to modest gaming laptops for their at home setups.
IMO, as someone who played Alan Wake 1 back to back with Alan Wake 2…don’t do it, AW2 as a game feels sooooo much better in every aspect. Unless your tolerance for jank is really high, the difference in the gunplay alone feels like you’re using two different skillsets.
Well…AW2 didn’t completely get rid of the jank, just made it a smoother part of the gameplay lol.
Also the story of 2 is really heavily related to the ending of AW1, you might just spoil yourself for a big part of the mystery.
Wait…are Chrono Cross and Radical dreamers different games?
I have this in my Steam library rn, yet to play.
That’s fine, you can disagree. But as someone who 100% the game (and somehow kept my sanity), I really do think anything that is outside of the Clive/Joshua/Rosfiels story is pretty weak, and that is like…35% of the game total.
I don’t want to get into spoilers, but I think all the Eikons outside of Dion are severely underutilized, and could have been much more impactful in the story. The whole Ultima payoff is also really not very well thought out with how it’s explained. That’s why I genuinely think the writers were segmented into different teams and were not communicating with each other.
The Rosfield-centred plot is genuinely great though, I really wish they had stuck mainly to that.
This is just my opinion, please if anyone reading this loves FFXVI don’t take it personally!
IMO: The story is ass, the visuals are spectacular (especially the Eikon fights), the soundtrack is amazing, and the gameplay is a weird combo of FFXIV and DMC5. If you’re not opposed to some game spoilers, I would really recommend watching a stream of the beginning of the game just to see what you’re getting into.
If you’ve played other mainline Final Fantasy, it’s very different gameplay-wise. Your party is AI controlled, and you only control the main character of the section (usually Clive). This really turned me off from the game tbh. The mainline story can really drag too, and the sidequests vary in quality so much I genuinely wondered if they had several different teams working on them and not communicating. The only ones I really liked were the hunts, because I think that’s the only time you as a player actually have to think about your moveset and how to tackle a boss.
If you can get it on sale, and you’re willing to sit through like…15h of intro to actually get to the main parts of the game, go for it. If you want something a bit shorter, but shows what modern Final Fantasy games seem to going towards, maybe try Final Fantasy 7 Remake. If you want a cleaner version of Clive’s gameplay, I recommend the Devil May Cry series, especially 5.
I agree. One of the few reasons I still stuck to consoles is because I could buy the physical games and have it on my shelf forever. That’s going the way of the dinosaurs, and while I love that things are more accessible via Steam or whatever, I can’t let my friends borrow my games, or pass it along to someone else to enjoy if I didn’t like a game as much.
I also just love collecting and displaying game cases and steelbooks and stuff. That’s rarely a thing anymore, either.
Yeah, idk why Ps4 has no backwards compatibility. PS3 (fat) was backwards compatible with PS 1+2, and PS5 is backwards compatible for PS4. I didn’t buy a PS4 for that exact reason, and was lucky enough to get my hands on a PS5 during launch to play all the PS4 games I missed.
With all the niche Japanese games I like slowly coming to PC, I probably won’t buy a new console ever again. (As an aside, if anyone has a spare fat PS3 they’re willing to sell for parts…)
It’s Apple, ofc it is 🥲