This looks rad!
On a similar note I Wanna Maker which is more or less Mario Maker but free and tonnes of developer created and user created levels to play through.
Simple premise is basically Minesweeper, but all the puzzles are handcrafted with some neat designs and concepts that will stretch your puzzle solving to the limit. Also importantly, no guessing required to solve and it’s dirt cheap for the amount of hours of puzzles you get!
I completely gave up on the game after they killed the PvE / skill plans for 2 (around Lifeweaver launch), but I played quite a lot of 2 from launch and agree. I really like 5v5 and team structure wise to me the game felt in a great place with the change.
My guess is that they’re still bleeding players and looking for any shot in the arm to bring the oldheads back
Been playing this too, it’s great.
Unfortunately am hitting some hard lockups in the last chapter or two on Deck so have put it down for now - seems to be a common issue based on some forum posts and ProtonDB.
I played through Portal Reloaded just before this which was excellent too, the puzzles are SUPER hard though, way harder than Revolution.
Bit of a meh month for me after last month which was fantastic.
It Takes Two is a game I am in two minds about a little, it’s very fun and well produced but I honestly just hated the two main characters and their decision making in a way that sort of undermines the entire storyline. But definitely worth a play as one of the few couch co-op games being made these days
Consider this scenario: I ask you how long it would take you to go to the shops and buy a carton of milk.
You could probably give me a good estimate based on your previous experience going to the shop and buying a carton of milk, but to actually tell me how long it would take would need you to go do the thing then come back and tell me.
Even with your estimation, something could always go wrong and cause your trip to take longer than expected. Maybe there was a traffic jam, maybe the shops are sold out of milk, maybe you get mugged along the way.
Loading bars are the same thing. There’s no way to definitively say how long something will take without doing the thing and seeing how long it DID take. The best you can do it an estimation based on known factors (eg. how long does this thing usually take). So in that sense loading bars are fake
Finished Metaphor: Refantazio right before the end of the year. Fantastic game which is shockingly relevant to so much going on at the moment around the world.