Lol great way to tell everyone you think 400 bucks for a video game cosmetic is a reasonable thing to buy, and that everyone who can’t/won’t do that is broke. Its a bad look, this is cringe stuff that someone who’s never worked for their money would say. Real money, old money, doesn’t participate in this kind of behavior. Wastes of air like you usually live off daddy’s money raging on the internet because you never learned how to develop real social connections.
Around 10-15 years ago when that meme/stereotype was popularized , that was kind of the case. The world has moved on since then, the perception of veganism has changed, and it’s not a big deal anymore. Its easier to be vegan now, too. restaurants/grocery stores have more offerings, big brands have vegan options, people aren’t usually rude to you anymore for being vegan or asking for vegan stuff.
I think all this contributes to vegans feeling less of the need to assert themselves like before. I feel like its because people nowadays “get” it and back then most non vegan people didn’t get it.