You fundamentally misunderstand the technology. For push notifications and amber alerts and such to work, you need a personal 1:1 digital connection to a nearby cell tower. The range on that connection is not very far, and every alert needs to be sent individually.
An FM tower could broad-beam disaster information for tens of miles around with much simpler technology, out of one location on generator power. It is a far more reliable way to get information about a major disaster out to everybody simultaneously with far fewer infrastructure layers involved. No need to spool literally millions of alert pings out.
Also a continuous voice stream carries a lot more info than a damn push notification - obviously.
The equivalence with the car keys is completely solid since both are meatspace attacks. I never said that writing your password down is a bigger risk than hacks over the internet or social engineering, so I don’t know why you’re trying to correct me on that.
All I will say is that meatspace password theft is a genuine concern. Just because you know someone doesn’t mean you grant them all access. And they have housekeepers routinely in the home who are authorized to be there but could totally thieve the info and misuse it.
Such a bummer that I can’t use one here in the US.