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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 03, 2023


So you’re saying everyone I disagree with is not in fact a Nazi? Interesting stuff but it sounds exactly like something a Nazi would say.

This isn’t a court of law and I’m not arguing the statutes. I don’t like unilateral censorship in any form and I’d be equally butt hurt if they banned a mod to include pronouns.

Bear in mind we are both here because of the actions of a private corpo.

No I do not, no one should. Your comment is the correct way of disagreeing, downvote parades are not.

Bear in mind I don’t give a shit about pronouns or no pronouns, I am against the unilateral censorship of a mod.

Upvotes = correct now? Or I’m wrong cos I have a different opinion to you?

Braindead take

Yah, how dare someone not be a polarised momo and make me have to assess their pov without a convenient label with which to dismiss it.

Dude I thought reddit was leftist and then I came here. Funny thing is I’m a pansy lefty European (believe in social healthcare, UBI and all that good stuff) yet this place is a bit much for me.

Where do you live, Iran? Also the mod doesn’t impinge on your ability to express yourself. Not sure how that relates to being afraid in a game.

I thought so too, but you and I are not everyone else. Imagine if they removed a mod that included pronouns. I would still be against censorship.