• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


Yep, double shitty. Makes me want to start sailing. 🏴‍☠️

One of my favorites for sure. I hope they make another action RPG without roguelike elements.

Let us know what you think, if you want to 😁


Not that you have to give it another try or anything, but I definitely didn’t get it right away either. However, I think that it is one of those easy to learn hard to master type of mechanics that is worth the practice it takes to get better at it.

Personally, I found the mechanics very fun and I think the game does a fantastic job of introducing new additions to the base mechanics, pretty much throughout the entirety of the game.

For instance, when you first start out, you only have a swing, and this is to allow you to familiarize yourself with the momentum only, which sort of feels odd/different at first to most games (the fact that there is no way to jump (or another similar behavior) at the end of your swing is kind of different than what is typical for the genre I’d say). That being said, you get a swing boost mechanic to add on to this skill pretty early on which sort of fixes that deficit (and makes total sense functionality wise). The intentional design and slow introduction to new concepts is brilliantly done. (Every time you get a new mechanic the game gives you a zone to play through it in the form of a memory (read, tutorial))

Towards the end of the game, the traversal capabilities are quite masterful. You get a retracting capability that is really amazing too.

I’d recommend to stick with it, if you’re up for it.

Haven’t seen a rick roll in a while. Someone else click on it first. Lol

It’s definitely an emotional game, but a good one though. I’m sure this game would be badass on steam deck or something similar. But it’s worth it to play it on PC too though I’d say.

Ah, sorry I misread that 😅

@[email protected]
to[email protected]SANABI

It is, and of course!


The game is very story focused, lots of dialog. Make sure to devote some quiet time to it!

I just finished my first playthrough of this game, [SANABI](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1562700/SANABI/), and I just wanted to share it here. I'm a little biased, but I think it's one of the most incredible games I've ever played. I pretty much played it obsessively until I beat it (~2 days and 11.2 hours total). If you're even remotely into 2D platformers, don't sleep on this one. I hope to see this developer continue to put out amazing experiences like this in the future.

This game looks sick and I’m so fucking into it. I hope it runs great and doesn’t have any issues on pc because the prince of persia’s were always some of my favorite games back in the day. It’s pretty good I think, to see them taking a different approach this time.

What is your favorite controller(s) to use with a laptop?
I have a [Razer wolverine V2 ](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic1.srcdn.com%2Fwordpress%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F11%2FRazer-Wolverine-V2.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=e4b7dce185d354de6874ca390979dc8b86a3398ffa0e24456b44ae99ac49e368&ipo=images) that I like quite a lot. But it's not perfect though... I'm wondering what everyone else likes to use.

I’ve never bought a $70 game and probably never will. $60 was too much for me. I think this is the point where I continue to just step out of the mainstream gaming field.

#oldergamers #gamingbacklog #patientgamers #steamsales

Action RPG’s are usually where it’s at for me.

El Paso Elsewhere is quick fun, albeit, fatiguing for me personally. I’ve been playing it in bursts.

I’d say you just have to take it at face value, as far as story goes. It’s part of the charm though, that it’s kind of just… wacky?

The guns are pretty fun. They could’ve been better, sure, but they’re generally pretty good.

I think the music is where this game really shines though. The soundtrack is just kick ass. Well worth a play, even if it was only for the music. I’d go so far as to say I’d purchase the music separately.

Agreed, it’s really good. I thought I was done with JRPG’s. Generally, they’re too slow paced for me and I don’t have as much time as I used to. I’ve really enjoyed this one so far though.

One of the features that I like is how even though the combat is turn based, it still feels active because of the timed button presses for attacking and defending. It definitely gives the traditional gameplay mechanic a breath of fresh air.


Tiny Thor

Sea of Stars

El Paso elsewhere

Edit: Kena Bridge of Spirits

“The open source community is the last bastion that stands against the rapid capitalism that is spreading through the world.”

I need to share this. This should be on people’s t-shirts and stuff.

I used to feel like I didn’t get my money’s worth until I beat a game. That quickly fell out. I just measure a game’s worth by my enjoyment of it now.

Oh wow, I didn’t even know this was a thing! Super excited to wait for this to come out HYD was incredible!

Interesting thoughts. I’ve never liked computer generated levels that are in roguelikes and such. I could imagine AI generated levels and worlds would be quite different though.