The best of windows? Windows 11 is shit. Is there some better windows they are hiding somewhere?
It also could not ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
My flight sim would say otherwise if it had a mouth. Also if it had a mouth… Uhhhhh… It might be another kind of sim…
I hope they just don’t show up on weekends.
That guy with the broken penis in the thumbnail needs to go see a doc asap.
This one plays great on the steam deck. I played the happy birthday song for my kids and it was awful in the most amazing of ways.
Yeah but these vikings extra died.
I want immersive boobs and dialogue that screams “she waved her boobs boobily”
Cool so we are just using we to clump everyone together because we are the Borg. Lower your shields and prepare to be boarded am I right? Got it.
Aaaaaaaaand I’m out
You should be able to avoid violent encounters but yeah you would be limiting where you can go.
Because you can get out of your ship?
Well now I’m going to leak even harder.
Valheim, astroneer, baldurs gate, space engineers, sex with Hitler.
So that’s what Woody has been up to. Buzz was asking about him again.
Looks pretty accurate to the films. I definitely saw Rick take 40 shotgun blast to the face and keep talking like nothing happened.
That’s just the good genes of the Didlers.
Yes, that is what ships do.
Oh you must know my friend Johnny Silverhand too.
Maybe they are just tired of fighting?
The best of windows? Windows 11 is shit. Is there some better windows they are hiding somewhere?