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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


I was playing a Souls game while checking some info from Fandom on my phone. Unbeknownst to me the site was eating all my mobile data because of a live twitch stream playing on a muted and invisible player. Fuck those fuckers.

Let’s see…

They may create text which appears to human eyes like the result of thinking, reasoning, or understanding, but it is in fact anything but.

For generation of fictional text and images that’s fine.

There is a pack mentality in rushing to invest in these tools, while overlooking the fact that they threaten workers

Like any other case of automation in the history of society.

[…] and impact consumers by creating lesser quality products

That sounds very subjective.

and allowing more erroneous outputs.

Large language models should not be used as a source of facts, that’s why they all warn you about their limitations. LLMs are tools and should be used properly. A blow torch can get your balls burnt if used improperly.