• 8 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 17, 2023


I also bought a PSTV when they were on clearance for less than 20 bucks, makes for a nice little gaming console for the bedroom or guest bathroom.

The… Guest bathroom???

I owned a PSP Go a few years ago, it’s a great device. I loved how tiny it is, but the screen was a little too small for me, and it didn’t handle emulation that well. Loved playing Lumines and Patapon on it, though!

I agree, it’s about the perfect size for me. Just small enough to fit in my jacket pocket.

I honestly wish PC handhelds had a similar size, but they’re all tablet-size. Someone had an image comparing the Vita with the Steam Deck and it puts into perspective how large handhelds have gotten.

PSVita next to a Steam Deck

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/23884313 > I got this thing recently and wanted to share my thoughts on it :)

You can backflip in mid-air which is useful to go a little higher or cancel the direction you’re moving in. I don’t remember the exact control for it, but I think it was double tapping after jumping.

The fun part of this game is hearing such differing opinions, I had someone explain that Block Koala was their favorite. I personally didn’t gel with Planet Zoldath, it’s conceptually neat but I found it very tedious. Glad you enjoy it though!

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/20779359 > Been working on this one for a while and I'm eager to share it. UFO 50 is a collection of 50 retro-style games, and I decided to write a blog post reviewing every single one. Enjoy!

Been working on this one for a while and I'm eager to share it. UFO 50 is a collection of 50 retro-style games, and I decided to write a blog post reviewing every single one. Enjoy!

TL;DR you’ll enjoy it if you like casual puzzle games lol.

Voxelgram is a spiritual successor to an older game called Picross 3D. Picross 3D is a 3D version of a popular logic puzzle called Nonograms.

Levelhead is a fantastic mario-maker esque platformer. The official campaign is a little over 10 hours long and is pretty good but its main draw is its incredible level editor and infinite number of quality levels online. I can’t recommend it enough. Sadly it never got as popular as it should have but there’s still a massive backlog of online levels to play.

Someone else mentioned Distance and I agree. It’s a futuristic racing game with some horror elements. The campaign is short, but there’s a great amount of levels in the workshop. The multiplayer modes are also pretty fun if you can grab a few friends (there’s split-screen too).

Inkbound is launching from early access soon and while I wouldn’t say it’s the greatest roguelike out there, it’s a lot of fun and very unique. It’s essentially a co-op turn based RPG where you and other players play all your turns at the same time. I’ve played a lot of singleplayer too and the game feels well balanced there.

Voxelgram is Picross 3D for PC. Must-have for people who like nonograms.

Fiiiinally some good news on GameMaker. I honestly don’t know what they were thinking with a subscription just to use the engine, their main audience is indie devs that are just starting out so they just chased them away to engines that are free to use like Godot, Unity, Unreal, etc. You can’t even export web games in Gamemaker for free unless you upload it to Opera’s website.

I briefly used gamemaker 2 and it was a pretty good, polished engine. Shame Opera sabotaged it so much. It was becoming clear that Godot was quickly taking its users, so the timing of this announcement is good.

I feel for you. A few people said the human art I put in the survey were lackluster but I thought they were pretty good, not everyone is an S-tier artist.

77% of people guessed this was AI generated, and a friend of mine kept saying it was weird and inconsistent so “I doubt a real artist would put random food in the back”

It’s actually a cropped image of https://www.deviantart.com/tsaoshin/art/Strawberry-Taiyaki-Cat-905271835 . I wouldn’t want to be an artist right now.

Previous posts: https://programming.dev/post/3974121 and https://programming.dev/post/3974080 Original survey link: https://forms.gle/7Bu3Tyi5fufmY8Vc8 Thanks for all the answers, here are the results for the survey in case you were wondering how you did! Edit: People working in CS or a related field have a 9.59 avg score while the people that aren’t have a 9.61 avg. People that have used AI image generators before got a 9.70 avg, while people that haven’t have a 9.39 avg score. **Edit 2**: The data has changed slightly! Over 1,000 people have submitted results since posting this image, check the dataset to see live results. Be aware that many people saw the image and comments before submitting, so they've gotten spoiled on some results, which may be leading to a higher average recently: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MkuZG2MiGj-77PGkuCAM3Btb1_Lb4TFEx8tTZKiOoYI

DALL-E 3 is the only model that gets text right. It usually yields consistent results but can still jumble on words if you ask it to say too much. It’s a big step forward regardless.

AI generated photo of a cat saying "I'm king of the world!"

Unfortunately it seems like google forms resizes the image to fit the forms. If I had known this before I would’ve used something else, but oh well. I’ve stretched the images as far as they can go now, which seems to be around 740x740.

They were fixed after posting but that may be after you opened the link, answers should be good now.

Fixed both right before seeing this comment, I’m really not awake enough for this :P

Hey everyone. I made a casual survey to see if people can tell the difference between human-made and AI generated art. Any responses would be appreciated, I'm curious to see how accurately people can tell the difference (especially those familiar with AI image generation)

Pretty interesting, reminds me of Vintage Story. Thanks for sharing.

I used to play it a lot about a decade ago. Good times.

These are great resources, thanks!

What are some great open source games?
cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/3160775 > I'm usually a fan of open source games but rarely do they manage to be *actually* great. People like giving recommendations like Super Tux Kart that haven't aged well and don't play well. What are some open source games that are legitimately good that I've missed? > > My favorites are: > > * Mindustry > > * Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart > > * Powder Toy > > * GZDoom (and all the amazing mods for it) > > * Veloren (even though it's still in alpha)

What are some great open source games?
cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/3160775 > I'm usually a fan of open source games but rarely do they manage to be *actually* great. People like giving recommendations like Super Tux Kart that haven't aged well and don't play well. What are some open source games that are legitimately good that I've missed? > > My favorites are: > > * Mindustry > > * Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart > > * Powder Toy > > * GZDoom (and all the amazing mods for it) > > * Veloren (even though it's still in alpha)

I hope the rumors are false. Hasn’t hollywood ruined enough franchises by now? At the very least give us a remaster of the original trilogy, they’re timeless masterpieces.