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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2023


It’s Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that’s right on time It’s Tricky…it’s Tricky (Tricky) Tricky (Tricky)

SSX. All of them.

I have used my pi-hole to blacklist all the oculus, meta and facebook domains, so I don’t get firmware update pushes on my Q1.

BUT, I did have a weird out-of-sync issue with Virtual Desktop a few months ago when I thought I had properly version locked.

All I ever wanted my Quest to be was a monitor. The fact that they could brick a monitor because they feel like it’s obsolete, is asinine.

I waited to get involved until after the Echoes update last summer, and I truly enjoyed 100+ hours of the game.

It still does suffer from inevitably feeling really empty, with billions of copies of the same 4 different coloured/temperatured planets and 8 creature types, but it was still a heck of an experience.

Answering my phone is like answering my door.

If I’m not expecting you, I’m not answering.

Loved my 3a every day I had it, until I “upgraded”. My son now rocks the 3a daily and has better battery life and similar performance to my 7.

He also has unlimited Google photo uploads

I’ll be the guy who enjoyed this.

Beautiful hourglass pattern as I changed over from one time sink to another. Kinda neat.

I played through 'One Finger Death Punch" with a broken arm.

Would recommend.