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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


If someone is releasing, say, a western XCom clone and expecting Baldur’s Gate 3 level success, they might have another thing coming… Since it would have a niche audience.

Like, obviously I’m not talking about games like Baldur’s Gate 3 here, I assumed that was obvious from context but I may not know what Lamplighter’s League is like!

I was assuming it was more like Hard West, or Wargroove, the Fire Emblem series, Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics… there’s a difference between a specific genre and games that are turn-based and require strategy. Hopefully that makes sense.

Also half of the games you listed are pretty old (10+ years). Yeah, it’s a bit niche. But go off weirdo

There’s also the Mario + Rabbids series which is still pretty niche if you’re asking me.

They were advertising it on the Paradox launcher for a while on Cities Skylines and it seemed like kind of a large risk for Paradox but I don’t exactly know why I felt that way.

It seemed like too much advertising for a turn-based tactics game or something. I like turn-based tactics games but it’s certainty a niche genre.

I opened it just to see some of the photos, and my browser crashed. The photos aren’t even good, don’t even open the link.

I don’t think I realized Kotaku had gotten this bad. Yikes!

Oh I just read about Disney doing that to the guy who wrote the original Star Wars novelizations, I think. They assumed all of Lucasfilm’s assets but not their liabilities, including royalty agreements.

It’s insane that this “works” for companies the size of Disney and Lucasfilm.

I’m always curious about how hard it is to make insane nonsense that’s hard to disprove. Like, 100% randomization seems like it could be easier to detect vs. more believable things added by people.

So then you have to spend time making it believable…

I started playing Monster Hunter Rise! I’ve played Monster Hunter: World before for a bit, so I understand something of how it works.

That didn’t stop me from trying to skip ahead in quests and getting pummeled a bunch of times though. Whoops!

I’m also finally trying to get a little further in American Truck Simulator. I’ve had it for a few years and have struggled to play consistently.

  1. SimFarm was so much fun! I had a system using oranges that got me huge profitable farms but I haven’t played in quite a while so I don’t remember the specifics
  2. SimAnt, which I borrowed on 3.5” floppy and managed to “win,” which felt like an accomplishment.
  3. SimCity 2000 had such satisfying graphics and I loved building beautiful utopias with infinite money. Still do this with Cities: Skylines!
  4. SimCopter. I spent hundreds of hours flying around cities I built in SimCity 2000.
  5. SSX Tricky or SSX 3, with updated graphics.

SimAnt is a really good one! I never had SimEarth, but I played SimAnt and SimFarm to death

Kept meaning to come back to this thread and talk about OpenTTD! I’ve been a Transport Tycoon game since I was fourteen or so! I love getting sucked in to a new transportation empire.

Yeah, I honestly had to Google it because it sounds like such pointless advice. In combat especially, how does “trusting the dice” help at all?

I think what they mean is “trust that the game will turn a lot of failing dice rolls into something interesting in a way a GM might.”