Tangential fun fact:
Snake oil is a real thing, that actually helps with the some very specific problems. But it has to be made a specific way from a specific snake. We associate the term with scams because of the large number of scammers that advertised fake snake oils, or advertised it being useful for tons if things it wasn’t.
My point is, many of the most effective scams rely on something that has a kernel of truth.
Honestly I looked at your comments and they’re all just aggressive, and I was genuinely wondering why. You’re not trying to share info, and you’re not trying to convince anyone of anything. What’s the point? Is this helpful to you? It just seems like you’re upsetting yourself.
EDIT: Actually, I take that back partially. You are sharing links. On my mobile app I only saw your comments, not your posts.
Interesting question honestly. Sims 4 (rated T) certainly allows you to kill off Sims, but you’re an omnipotent being, it doesn’t have Sim-on-Sim murder. I think this is true for a lot of simulation games where the player isn’t a character in the world. Cult of the Lamb is obviously inspired by those games, but also makes the leap to you being represented by a character.
Skyrim has some mods that go really deep on magic and combat strats.