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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023

Lots of updates on the campaign! UK petition open! Australia petition probably open soon! Research help wanted! Australian law firm hired! Talking to EU members of Parliament! Link to UK Petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/659071/ Link to Australia Petition: https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN6080 Link to outdated list of game shutdowns: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vaNfqOv3rStBQ4_lR-dwGb8DGPhCJpRDF-q7gqtdhGA/edit Stop Killing Games campaign site: https://stopkillinggames.com

Roguelikes come from the age of boomers and gen x, are hard as nails, very complex, have a cursed tome of documentation and take months to reach victory, if at all.

Roguelites are for the modern times.

I’ve just seen Droid-ify is a fork or at least pretty similar to Foxy Droid, so I’d recommend that, too

Foxy Droid: alternative F-Droid-Client but with the classic and for me much more accessible UI of the old F-Droid-Client. Uses the exact same repos. Can be downloaded using the normal F-Droid-Client, which then can be uninstalled