You know the sequel is in Early Access right? That’s what killed me last weekend…
The first release was so half-baked that I didn’t get into it, but they’ve released updates now that we’re enough for me to lose a weekend playing it. I still think the description “early release” is accurate, but it’s going to be a phenomenal sequel when they get the features and bugs worked out.
My nephew is really into Plants vs Zombies, and I’ll admit, it’s sucked me in too. I’m trying to impress him by getting my name at a respectable position on the Endless Leaderboard on Xbox, but I’m having some trouble with my controller missing button presses when I go to arm a Cob Cannon for missile launch.
I can’t believe I’m actually considering upgrading to an Xbox Series S in order to get smoother performance out of Plants Vs Fucking Zombies…
Wait, so the original Rift is useless? Like, I can finally toss it out and stop trying to sell it to someone?