I just learned this yesterday, and still can’t believe it. How can it not support hashtags? How do you find anything? Do they plan on supporting hashtags in the future, or are they on some kind of idiotic anti-hashtag crusade?
I wish people would just stop preordering games. I think a lot of these launch problems would magically disappear if developers actually had to produce finished, high-quality games in order to get paid.
I like my iPhone… but that’s because I’m used to Apple stuff, and I can get a good deal on the things. Judging people is stupid. You gotta admit, the Galaxy Z Flip is pretty damn cool.
I just learned this yesterday, and still can’t believe it. How can it not support hashtags? How do you find anything? Do they plan on supporting hashtags in the future, or are they on some kind of idiotic anti-hashtag crusade?