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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 25, 2023


Most games I played from the PS1/N64 era. It was a time period of figuring things out and that makes it rough to go back to, but some of those experiences were magic. There’s still the rare game that I can enjoy to this day (Metal Gear Solid 1, Mario 64), but games like Syphon Filter are best left to my memories.

Well, it was actually Trump that tried to ban it and Democrats were against it. I wonder why Democrats took up the mantle in the past year hmmmmm

“its afraid… Its afraid!!” cheering

Anyone who misses the satire is a dolt, but I do agree satire is ineffective in changing minds. It’s a preaching to the choir sort of genre.

I agree with you. People are gleeful and smug about the firing. I’m proud of the people who stood up against a contract that will only bring death and destruction to the world and I am ashamed of those that smugly revel in their firing.

I liked playing DOS2 a lot more than Baldur’s Gate 3 so I hope we get a DOS3 at some point. Maybe I’m in the minority, but I cannot stand spell slots. They’re not a fun or interesting game mechanic to me.