With the exception of indy games if they’re priced in a way I’m happy to take a punt, I only buy games after putting a few hours into the pirate copy. With the near extinction of demos and amount of bs out there over the last decade plus this became my only way of buying. It’s why I bought the first KCD back in the day.
Without a copy to evaluate, I’m happy to wait for it to be cracked, and then happy to wait for the DRM to be removed before purchasing to avoid any related performance issues. It’s a shame, but I’m not gonna lose sleep over it…
I wouldn’t say there’s much in the way of management, its short fights mostly. Something I like about it are the fairly strong modifiers for each character type and how it pushes you into using them all so you get forced into different types of play.
I’m also trying to mainly support small dev team games these days and I think this made by one person which I find super impressive. You die and restart a lot, which I also enjoy
Only buy a couple or so games a year these days, been really enjoying an arena fighting game I came across a little while ago. Only just started putting a few hours into it but always appreciate a game that makes you have to work on skill to progress.
I think they’ve done them a favour in a way. If this was day one then it might hurt them but they’re past the point of like 90% of their sales I bet, and now pegi looking like incompetent dinosaurs is just a free second wave of social media exposure