I am a Meat-Popsicle
It’s crazy as hell watching that form factor reduce. The early bipeds looked like first generation NASA moon landing suits. That thing looks small enough to fit in clothing you could buy at a local department store.
And while I think the 360 pivoting hips are an interesting touch I really wish they would constrain themselves to human anatomical moves.
trying to live train AI against your playstyle is both expensive and unnecessary. Hard bots have never really been too much trouble. We don’t really need to use AI to outpace humans in most games. The exceptions would be an extremely long play games like chess and go.
There’s been a lot of use in AI for platformers and stuff like trackmania, but not for competition, simply for speedruns.
I’m not talking about VR companies I’m talking about Mojang.
The teams that Mojang keeps to work on the platforms cost more than the income from the people using those clients.
If you make a game, and you decide to support Mac, and Mac only brings in $500 a month but you have to pay somebody $3,000 a month to maintain the client, You’re losing $2,500 a month for that particular market segment.
Nothing says you have to get rid of those people or that client, But it’s a fiscally sound decision.
Well, I mean wow was already at $15 a month back in the day. When it came out in 2004, It was like paying $25 per month today. It was damn pricey back then. At this point I think they’re getting all the money out of it that the market will bear. Yeah the expansions help but I suspect they’re running leaner now than they were.
Their tech debt for the most part isn’t going to be because of the engine. Certainly some of it is. But starting back over and reimagining most of the code base affords them the time and ability to fix problems that make features problematic. As the spiffing Brit likes to point out every one of their titles is absolutely riddled with game breaking bugs. Doing an engine change has the kind of depth required to let them head those kind of problems off before they happen.
Of course with an entire staff of short timers they’ll quickly just a mess new tech debt as they misgauge things.
Yeah you can’t tell anybody on this site that you pulled some data from AI. Even if you followed the link and found the actual report and the numbers matched up you’ll still get down voted into oblivion.
The mass layoffs are definitely pure greed. At one point they served a purpose of ebb and flow and separating the wheat from the chaff, but things aren’t that healthy anymore.
Crunch time was great when it came with the bonuses and liberal vacation.
But now, anything that’s worth a damn gets bought up into large public companies who need to satisfy shareholders. Even the private stuff is still subject to the whims of the executives. There are still some good places to land out there but they’re slowly getting trashed over time.
I played heavily back in the day I don’t think the money was ever really the problem It was the time. When I finally settled down and had a family I had to stop. $15 a month for service and $50 every 2 years for DLC isn’t really all that much money If you consider 60 hours a week of entertainment for that price a deal. If you are that close to the edge you’re going to be on the edge anyway.
Sure it’s getting cheaper, but is it getting cheaper faster than their need for it?
I’ve always expected their business model was unsustainable probably only able to manage through venture capital and growth.
There’s hardly even any competition, their free product is substantial. Even fully funding a server is barely enough to cover a bare metal node.
This is just the introduction to cost savings. As they wade into market saturation, and still need to provide growth in numbers they’ll need to pinch the free users into paying and pinch the paying users into paying enough to fully fund the service. Of course it won’t stop there…
Edit: FFS dictation can’t ‘their’ it’s way out of a wet paper bag.
With the pyrolysis or the other couple of methods they worked out it actually turns it back into a raw material that can be reused to make new plastic. It’s not as cheap as the methods where they just kind of heated up and melt it back together to become lawn furniture, but it leads to a quality plastic replacement product
The coolest and most frightening thing about all that is the number of books they train the models on are immense, but the model data is very tiny comparatively. And while the compression is amazingly lossy it still has an amazing amount of the data in there.
To nvidas credit, The training models do not contain the contents of the books, but they can still tell you intimate details about the books without it being able to provide a photographic reproduction of everything in the book.
We’ve literally created something that can analyze books in the same way that we read them and retain the same lossy levels of information. That’s honestly pretty f****** amazing.
Obviously intellectual property laws aren’t designed for this. Hell even our concept of intellectual property isn’t designed for this. If this was a corporation that hired a thousand people to read a bunch of books and be on tap for queries about the information in those books nobody would complain. One copy of each book purchased would be enough to cover the intellectual property restrictions for this.
Also obviously this isn’t what happened and people see money lying on the table.
There’s no clear path from getting the computer out of the box just setting it up without internet. If you call the manufacturer and they know what the hell they’re doing they’ll walk you through doing the OOBE no internet fix. It just needs to be an option in the damn operating system. The fact that they’re hiding it from you is unconscionable.
I used to work in a company that was VC adjacent.
Most of the people sitting on piles of money don’t have any knowledge or radar to help them negotiate where to put it. They lean heavily on other people to tell them what to invest in.
When AI first started getting big everybody was guessing where the curve was going to be and where the technology was going to head. The people guiding the venture capitalists were putting their oars in the water early.
To be fair there’s a lot of money to be made in AI assistants if they can manage to run the back end affordably. If you’re asking Google, Siri, and Alexa complicated questions they’re miserably fit for the task. But when we get to the point where you can expect a reasonable answer from something like look up all the places to rent cars near Tucson Arizona give me the cheapest price with the best reviews. Or tutor my kid on basic calculus, test him, and give me a report on where he needs more assistance. That kind of stuff is worth money and something that many people with money will pay for.
This form factor is off-putting and honestly AI at this point is still only mostly right.
The VCs are all over AI and there’s opportunity there. Just not on every product and probably not yet.
Nah, all the original data came from humans. If it was all good and happy and properly tagged correctly there’d be no intervention.
Unfortunately they scraped it from wherever in the hell they could get it from and it’s not all tagged correctly.
I’m sure they use more AI to pre-grade it, but at some point a set of real eyes need to verify that something is what it’s supposed to be.
This is more of a blood diamonds or fair trade coffee thing, US legislation isn’t going to have anything to do with it. You need to expose the places using the data.
Oh my God my wife bought this bean bag once. It was a photography thing so it had to be absolutely packed full. So the skin came folded up in this tiny little plastic bag and then it came with three giant bags of styrofoam balls.
If you stuck your hand in the back and pulled it out it would just be coated. I spent hours just trying to scoop them into the bean bag.
When I got to the second bag to fill I found a long narrow box and taped it up to the side of the bean bag slice the bean bag open and used it to pour them through.
The whole experience was awful. And the cleanup took nearly as long as the fill.
If the price was even relatively sane I would be okay with that honestly.
But no, they need to keep driving the price up and up. I have to pay my part so that little Jimmy can host 297 hours of white noise on his account that no one wants to watch.
They simply need to change their tactics a little. It cost you some small sane amount to host your videos there. If your videos don’t g gather watches and make money you should be the one paying for them.
I want to pay about nine bucks a month for a family account it’s just b-f rate content. You can pay less to get actual well rated movies from other services.
Also give me the option not to throw in Google music I don’t give a s*** about Google music.
OBS background removal in Linux is bad.
In about half a dozen distros VFL does not work out of the box for OBS.
If you flat pack your OBS and don’t do it exactly right with all the plugins at once, the plugin sandbox causes issues in OBS.
If you’re running an OBS bot camera things get extra spicy.
In most cases high color support is not allowed.
If you’re trying to do stream Deck stuff that can be an issue.
Don’t get me wrong I’m glad it wasn’t a big deal for you but for your average person coming in complaining that terminals are too much, they might be in for a less than stellar experience.
If you just want to browse the web and edit work documents you have nothing to fear.
If you just want a game and don’t want to be too awfully picky about what you’re playing you have nothing to fear
If you want to play anti-cheap games and host docker components you’re going to have to do a little console here and there.
If you want to stream to YouTube and twitch, You’re probably not going to have as much of a good time. You can still do it but there’s work and compromises involved.
Depending on your brand/model, there are often holes in the FRP that you can leverage to bypass it. I wouldn’t buy software claiming to unlock, hopefully you have a no pc option available like using google assistant or a browser to trigger settings to pop up.
Some phones have ADB methods.
Presumably you could make the company that sold it to you take it back or do a chargeback if it was on a credit card.
Don’t worry, NFT is sliding, it’ll eventually die off. A lot of game designers are bored and looking for a new hammer. The same guys that have been looking for nails with blockchain on 'em for a decade. You know, I get it, it’s a whole economy and payments system with no fees in what looks like a clean bundle. Problem is it’s not as shiny as it looks when you start digging in to it and they’re all finding that out.
It’s not impossible, but it makes it a hell of a lot harder. The pockets of the shareholders are almost always directly opposed to the wants of the players. The public company needs to fight the shareholders not to rake the players over the coals or through other means gain 20% per year. Every time the big ships gobble up the small fries, the odds readjust toward late stage capitalism
Long live the Blackspire Guard