I was oversimplifying. So the user agent and other browser setting change every 60 seconds using the chameleon add-on.
The IP doesn’t automaticallychanges, but I use a VPN. Often on shitty internet where packet loss routinely spikes to 30% (considered normal for most ISPs), I often have to disconnect and reconnect to the VPN, which causes the IP to change.
I’m sorry you dont have any technically inclined artists in your circle, but I first learned about NFTs from myartists friends.
Colored coins have been around for a very long time, and NFTs have been an income stream for artists long before the financial elite gave them a bad name.
History is important
veterinary reports show the condition of a female monkey called “Animal 15” during the months leading up to her death in March 2019. Days after her implant surgery, she began to press her head against the floor for no apparent reason; a symptom of pain or infection, the records say. Staff observed that though she was uncomfortable, picking and pulling at her implant until it bled, she would often lie at the foot of her cage and spend time holding hands with her roommate.
Kinda amazing they go to the SEC for investor fraud instead of the courts for persecution of torture
I wonder if these “scientists” were the type of kids that would burn ants to death with a magnifying glass too
FreeCAD has a navigation method specifically for trackpads