Quitting because I don’t want to deal with an unpleasant ending I can see coming, and sometimes just because the end is coming at all, is a huge problem for me. Games, anime, manga, books (when I still had the ability to concentrate enough to read books, anyway)… I have some kind of deep-seated issue with endings. It’s ridiculous.
Sniper Elite 5, and I’m honestly pretty disappointed in it. The Sniper Elite games have always been my “comfort food” series. Nothing too complex, just popping some Nazis in creative ways when I want a no-brainer, relaxing night. Five, though… I don’t know. It feels so dead and way too easy, even after increasing the difficulty. I never change guns in this one because it seems to make little difference, and the guns are boring anyway. There’s no joy for me in the nut shots anymore :(