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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 20, 2023


Like, why though, it seems like the main reason it failed is because very few people care about Dragon Age, why not have a well loved developer make something people are excited about?

The reason people do it is poor impulse control for the dopamine hit from buying something they want. I’m pretty sure anyone claiming another reason isn’t being honest with themselves or others.

How bout y’all let him do whatever the fuck he wants and work on what he feels passionate about, it seems to have worked out well for us last time, and even if it doesn’t this time, we’re not entitled to shit from him.

Gamers are so fucking toxic that they will get enraged and call out a solo developer for saying they’ll probably never fully abandon their beloved first game because that clearly means he won’t work hard enough on making them their new game which they’ve literally never played before.

It’s a sale, it doesn’t need a fucking trailer.

Yeah, cus they’re still trying to charge chip shortage/cryptominer prices for gaming graphics cards.

Yeah, because Microsoft/ZeniMax/Bethesda is such a small corporation and Fallout/The Elder Scrolls is such an inconsequential, low budget franchise.

People have been saying this since Half Life 2, possibly even longer, then everyone said it about Crysis. To be fair, Cryengine has some validity as a future proof engine. It was first made in 2002, just 5 years after Gamebryo and is still being used in heavily modified forms by a large number of studios. But even that is showing its age and is getting heavily refactored yet again for the Open 3D Engine that the Linux foundation is working on. With that said, the amount of active development and intensive refactoring that the Cryengine has gone through at this point eclipses what has been done for the Gamebryo engine. But it still seems like lack of respect for tech debt is the larger problem than “just switch engines”

I don’t think ConcernedApe does the console and mobile versions, I would assume he got back to Haunted Chocolatier after 1.6 dropped on PC. Pretty sure he licenses the porting process.

Need For Speed Underground 2 I would list as a solid GOAT for the genre of open world arcade racing.

For real? Kinda yes, multiplayer in a release is a very bad sign that they will either focus on the “more profitable” multiplayer to the detriment of the single player or they will actually hobble the single player deliberately to encourage the multiplayer.

No, I’m saying you are fundamentally misunderstanding what technology they’re talking about and are thinking every type of AI is the same. In this article she is talking about graphics AI running on the local system as part of the graphics pipeline. It is less performance and therefore power intensive. There is no “vast AI network” behind AMDs presumptive work on a competor to DLSS/frame generation.

In this context it is being used to reduce rendering load and therefore be less intensive on computer resources.

Most people have just two speakers, and if you have headphones a good stereo surround software can actually be even better than the surround from multichannel

I’ve spent 200 hours on just this building and I’m almost done making the working parts of my item storage facility lol

I don’t think it’s possible to play the current game single player (offline) meaningfully. But there are very regular free fly events, I think you barely just missed one. I’m not sure I’d really describe it as worth it regardless for most people right now, it’s still very alpha and has a very steep learning curve to actually work out how to progress on your own. But it is a beautiful thing to explore still.

You can already hide them in your library, it’s in the right click menu, you can find them by searching for the title, or just typing the first letter of any game title and scrolling all the way down and opening your whole hidden folder. I wish they’d add slightly more features to the library sorting though. Folders would be nice.

AVN fan here, it’s CYOA erotica with nice graphics. If reading erotica vs watching porn doesn’t appeal to you at all then I’d imagine most AVNs wouldn’t appeal to you either?