There are people reverse engineering the glasses right now (I have a pair):
One of my longshot projects is to convert my framework laptop main board to exactly this. I basically use the glasses a lot more than the screen at this point (it’s more convenient at night before bed)
I guess you and I just have different tastes. I don’t think I’ve watched 1 hour+ videos that were just repeating, but the only ones I’ve watched that are that long are Dan Olson and Super Eyepatch Wolf.
With those I intend to watch half now and watch half later, but end up engaged enough to just watch them through in a single sitting
There are some advantages to a centralized platform, I hope them being a “public benefit corporation” (haven’t had time to study what that means nor much desire cause it’s probably a U.S. thing), but as long as it doesn’t get enshittifed that’s still a net win.
Although obviously this won’t be a popular opinion on a decentralized platform like Lemmy.
I’ll use this along with Signal (which is non profit), in hopes that it’s impossible for them to sell out/sell our data/sell ads.
I think anyone who’s tried one of these games or is the parent of someone who’s tried one of these games figures out this loophole (or alternatively , predatory practice) pretty quickly.