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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Aug 01, 2024


Depends on the streamer, I guess. Personality probably matters more to those that are variety streamers - people that play many different games at any given point with a large general audience and probably less important for those that specialize in a specific game that has a built-in community of people interested in that game.

Personally, I don’t care as don’t follow streamers myself. But seems like the right thing to do is to not abandon the people that built you up to begin with because something shinier shows up. Make a transition over time to something new, sure. But when it’s sudden like this, it’s hard to see it any other way.

Been interesting watching streamers quitting their current games to jump immediately onto Deadlock, some even in tears pretending to be doing anything more than abandoning the communities that built them for anything other than the dollar signs they have in their eyes.

Everything I’m running gets between 100-120+ fps with AFMF2 with far less artifacting than previous AFMF1. I’m mentioning VRR because it means that if a game doesn’t hit 120FPS, it stays perfectly smooth so frame dips are far less noticeable. I’m using an ROG Ally X, so I don’t spend much time worrying about battery power at all anymore unlike the previous ROG Ally. I get about 2-3 hours playing the bigger games on it and for anything that I want to basically play forever (2d stuff), I can set screen to 720p, lock screen to 60fps (or less) and lock TDP to 7 watts and get 10 or so hours out of it.

If you aren’t interested in trying the driver with AFMF2 (which is not yet officially released for the handheld Windows devices yet but can be sideloaded), you can also play with Lossless Scaling on Steam which can also do frame generation up to 4x.

Again, AMD Fluid Motion Frames 2. And when there are cases where your game cannot hit whatever threshold needed for 120fps, that’s where the variable refresh rate comes in.

Not a huge fan of RGB either but I’d prefer the option is there and I can disable it than not have it at all.

Having the option for 120hz on the ROG Ally was a game changer. Especially combined with AMD Fluid Motion Frames 2 which just released and variable refresh rate on the screen. It’s hard to go back to anything without them now.

The usual brainrot at night is Overwatch with friends. Beyond that, played through Doom again fully for the first time in ages and halfway through Doom II with the recent Nightdive made rerelease, which is quite good. Since the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters were on special last weekend, I grabbed the six of them. Played through the first Final Fantasy and finished it 100% in about 18 hours, never finished it before and enjoyed it. Started working through Final Fantasy II but it’s a very weird game.

If your rank is the same as hers, you wouldn’t be getting wide matches. Wide matches are specifically for teams of people with a very wide distribution of rankings, therefore the name “wide”. So finish your placements and see what you get. But for me and my friends, even if we get wide matches, the longest we’ve ever waited was 8 minutes for a game.

I guess, but I currently have 3 sets of joycons going through this replacement process right now.

Switch joycon situation is worse.

No problems here on PC or my ROG Ally X. Maybe a compatibility issue on Steam Deck.

Absolutely not alone on that. Square Enix’s prices on all their old titles are about 50% more than I’m willing to drop on them at any given time.

Is River City Girls 2 any better than the first game, which I thought was okay but seemed a bit unresponsive in terms of control?

Games back then took 20 people. Now, upwards of 2000 for modern AAA games. It’s nowhere near the same.

People also used RHDN as a news source to find out about new hacks and translation releases, and it was the best resource for doing that. And it sounds like it still will be going forward, so… I disagree with you on that.

Your logic works if you assume that we are making games at the same scale and the same way we were 15-20 years ago.

I thought it was NOT shutting down and is instead turning into 100% a news site only?

For anyone that hasn’t played this yet, there’s a demo you can download on Steam for it. I highly recommend it, quality stuff and I plan on buying it shortly.

Some COVID stuff, some women in programming stuff. Probably more that I’m not even aware of since I stopped paying attention.

A true end of an era. So glad to see the file database get dropped on internet archive.

So happy to support one of my Mastodon follows. Really happy with how the game ended up turning out, can’t wait to play more of it.

I have to imagine that his really terrible takes have something to do with that.