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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 11, 2023


What does it have to do with the Yakuza franchise? The Axe gang?

I’ve looked at some lists and it actually supported by much more games than I thought, I don’t think Assassin Creeds is Sony title no?

Sony’s rep kinda iffy around repairability though, how long is yours ?

I always forget Xbox has a bigger market in the US.

I’m from SEA and up until the series One console just means Playstation here, I owned the first 3 generation and move to PC.

The series one controller is the first xbox layout I ever owned and the moment I hold it my brain goes “This makes more sense !” D-pads sucks ass though.

Maybe it’s just cause I don’t really play fps and Fighting and racing games ?

Yeah, someone mentioned haptic trigger in another thread and now I kinda want one. If only Sony makes one with an xbox layout lol, it probably looks ugly as hell with PS design.

Do you need to do any config to use the adaptive trigger on PC? And I assume it mainly supported on Sony’s first party title ?

What made 360 better than series One (i own this one)?

Better ergonomics? It has such negligible difference design wise, and the d-pad looks awful


Even a low-end phone comes with a good enough camera for QR which means wider adoption, you need a higher tier phone for NFC.

We have a similar system in my country and I believe we copy it from India, it works and is convenient.