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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


I thought steam was out before that. I thought I recalled installing steam and thinking man this server browser sucks compared to Kali.net / browser at the time. Had all sorts of problems playing hl one based mods multiplayer before hl2 came out. Of course they fixed everything and it was amazing for a long time (mp server browser in hl based games). I’m pretty sure steam was out for quite a bit before hl2 dropped.

No it won’t, they will dcma all Nintendo music everywhere. That means covers, jazz remakes, other style changes, and numerous other types of variants are going with it. Those types of things won’t be in their library and could go away completely. This is not a good thing

Oh ok, thought that was a standard thing. My bad

Don’t android phones have 2 esims?

Did they ever make any ui changes? The worst part of this game was being mid battle trying to menu and add materials to your ship or guns or whatever. The ui and gameplay from this aspect was god awful. No amount of adding other things makes this game good for me if the bad menu ui and mechanics are still a thing.

You’re right they do. But just to clarify the difference based on what the poster was asking

Most unifi / inter communicating aps that hand off clients to each other using a controller are not mesh systems. Mesh means aps talk to each other wirelessly to pass traffic as a backbone, not to specifically perform client handoff (although it may do that as well as a separate feature)

Welp it was fun playing while it lasted. Sorry arrowhead but fuck that not happening. Time to move on to another game

It’s fun as a pickup with randos or playing with friends. As long as people try to talk that is

Yea that model was manufactured / sold forever. It really was awesome at the time.

This is wicked cool, I didn’t even know there was a second one. Loved the first game!