humble peat digger

Garbage human

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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Aug 27, 2024


You’ll be shocked to find out there is no Santa.

I’ve used it for many years. Lineageos is a largest rom sure .
The issue is that google fucks with base android more and more. Now they made it that there is that yellow logo on boot - your android is insecure. Then banking apps are not working.

Updating from android to android on lineage was a chore on oneplus 8t.
And I ended up not being able to rollback to stock because I wanted to trade in for A new model.

It just makes it harder to use roms.

Thank you. Yeah I was aware that there is magysk. Problem is - it’s becoming too many hacks to deal with. And I bet it probably breaks from time to time and one has to hack/fix it again?

tbh recently I just don’t have time to futs with roms.

Ive used lineage for many years. And would love to use it permanently but banking apps is a problem for me and having to hack things too much is a problem for me.
Obviously some linux mobile distro would have been ideal. but There isn’t anything usable.

calyx/graphene - the model selection is just too limited. And I would never buy a google or apple device.
lineage os doesn’t support oneplus 12R I use now (well there is unofficial rom).

so I would like to try huawei, the hope is - it’s like android but naturally without google because its designed like that.

It’s android but without google . Given how much google fucks with me, I’m willing to say fuck u to google

I guess we just have a simple task - to make sure that all android phones are running base android.
How do u propose that could be done?

It works on pixels only, I don’t trust Google hardware

Fuck em sure. But they can’t reach me , us corporations that block US gdpr legislation year after year - they want to use my data and fuck me over

They made it very hard to install roms.

There is this orange warning on boot.

Then banking apps don’t work.

I just disable Google app completely. Then Google news on the left just goes away

I’m just gonna get a Huawei phone to punish Google for this

I would probably switch to Huawei os device. No Google by design.
In fact - I might in either case, there is just too much shitty things Google does to android.

I thought lawnchair was dead for many years. Didn’t realize someone doing development in it

So I would rather Google own your data, so they can actually reach you and screw you?
China can’t do anything to you due to legal boundaries, - us gov which is in cahoots with big business can and will reach you and screw you

I don’t trust their hardware

No, I don’t care. If Google android wants to be dicks to consumers. Fuck em - I’ll start buying Chinese os.
Vote with ur wallet