I’ve played the game when it was free for a while and I’m wondering why this doesn’t happen more often. The game is a pile of huge gameplay concepts, wasted potential, repetitive mechanics and a ton of bugs. I like what it could be but we’ve lived in that illusion long enough, chances are this will stay in development and eventually just cease to exist.
There’s a very small chance it will get officially released but honestly nothing I even have to consider.
If only the developers started to to finish and polish parts of the game…
Don’t forget the other details about war crimes against Palestinians and Palestinians living in towns caged in, and getting assaulted day in and day out through the fence by Israelites. And the constant harassment online. And Israelites taking over their homes forcefully. And them having no place to live.
I guess sometimes you can get lost in the details. My bad.
Yeah I had to realize that as well at some point.
Used to play games and I was so focused on gameplay, I always thought “why even have a lot of art in there”. But then you realize if the art sucks, you wouldn’t even be giving it a chance.
And this extends to skins and stuff. If it’s “just cosmetics”, that still means there is some art that is now hidden unless you throw money at your screen. And depending on how much it is, the game might be way too boring without it. So you’re still buying bits of a game after the fact. And voila, we’re back to the reasons why DLCs suck.
I did, and I disagree with their decisions.
I can condense their article down to “we need money, and we can get it through ads, so we built our own ad network to preserve privacy”.
But I don’t like that. This decision does not exist in a vacuum. This comes after a number of other decisions leading me to believe they are shifting priority to making a profit. Telemetry being opt-out, pocket, selling ads on home screen, …
This is the icing on a shit cake and I’m sorry, Mozilla destroyed their value proposition about half way into their chain of bad decisions.
If you still wanna use Firefox, fine. I don’t care about that. I don’t understand why, but that’s ok, it’s your god damn decision. But I wanna alert everyone else that Mozilla is not who they used to be and it’s time to reevaluate why you use the browser you do.
Saying this is an ignorant take is invalidating all the experiences I’ve had configuring Firefox back to being privacy friendly, and I don’t appreciate you calling me ignorant for that. If you disagree, that’s fair, but you can do it without attacking my credibility. And doing so by giving actual reasons would definitely help your case.
Been called an idiot for saying that I wouldn’t trust Firefox as far as I can throw it like 2 months ago after they made telemetry opt out.
I can’t believe that someone who is privacy conscientious would just stick to their guns rather than watching out for their privacy.
I just hope someone else picks up the shards and runs with it and then we can all just focus on making them better instead of getting riled up over a god damn browser lol.
Yeah AI as a dev is shit, but AI as a more thoughtful auto-complete is actually pretty great.
To me it looks like AIs currently are right at the boundary between being a tool and being a companion. But to be a full companion, they can’t be up against the boundary, they need to be well established and tried and tested as a companion to be used repeatedly, so we’re still a few decades out from that from what I can tell.
Yeah I’m pretty sure the changes he praises have made me not play this game in about 3 years.
And running game studios as a business sound wrong to me. Yes, you need to make money, but it’s a creative branch and as soon as you make a pipeline for how you make your games, people will get bored of it, see Ubisoft.
Maybe they had big issues with monetization but what he’s talking about doesn’t sound healthy at all for the developers and artists working there.
Also I’m still a bit salty that I paid for destiny2 and then they made it free and introduced DLCs. Such a slap in the face.
I know this is a bit late, but copilot is only ok if used for code completion. I switched to the free tier of supermaven a month ago and it’s been way more helpful, as it can handle context better. Probably cuts coding in half and takes away a third of debugging.
Asking chatgpt for code has also become better, but imo still not reliable enough to regularly use. Just had some docker code written and it got it wrong 3 times so I gave up on that.
I get your point, AI can only save time if you know exactly what you’re doing and it will only be helpful sometimes. But when it is, it’s such a time saver.
Yeah I mean ratings are giving you an idea of whether there’s a chance you like that game. The higher the rating, the higher the chance. But there’s always a bit of chance involved.
I tend to buy highly rated games much more often, but if I really am hyped for a game with an OK rating, I still might give it a go. You never know if it will hit your specific niche.
Man if big studios are constantly layng ppl off, that means in a few years we will probably have an influx of even more small game studios and it’s gonna be way harder for big companies to acquire them.
Though I don’t like the layoffs, I like the world in which game developers are back to steering their own company again.
Took long enough but it finally seems like consumer protection groups are pushing against this internationally.
The cool thing is, if either EU or US make laws surrounding this, it will put an incentive in place for the other to follow up. And because the US and EU are so influential, a lot of other countries will follow up. Even better, because China is already putting pressure on everyone to put limits in place, considering this year they already put laws in place against that. One of those rare China Ws.
Why is Pirate Software a fraud?
I appreciated his take on it. Don’t trust politicians to come up with a good solution, always present the issue when you have a good solution ready. And the solution proposed by that petition was weak at best and outright dangerous for the industry at worst.
If you want to force specificity on buying v getting limited time access, that’s fine, but that’s not what the petition focused on.
If you wanna force devs to plan ahead with huge infrastructure cost to make sure servers will be online for a specific time, this might result in online games being unjustifiable for smaller studios.
If you want to shield independent people hosting unofficial servers to games, now that’s a different conversation that we first need to have to figure it out, before proposing an exact solution through a petition. Mind you this is a more complicated topic, as this gets into licensing and IP law.
And I really don’t think stop killing games is clear on those, and that makes this endeavor a lottery with the entire multiplayer games industry in limbo.
Give me another more precise initiative and I’ll join, but until then I’ll definitely not sign anything. If we change things, we should change them for the better, so let’s do our due diligence first.
Also there was no story and gameplay wasn’t as linear in the old version.
I loved the gameplay loop of exploringanother planet, and then coming back to your home planet and to build, craft and decorate.